Fitness – Performance – Sport
CF Open WOD 13.1
17 Min AMRAP
40 x Burpees
30 x Snatches @ 75/45
30 x Burpees
30 x Snatches @ 135/75
20 x Burpees
30 x Snatches @ 165/100
10 x Burpees
As many Snatches as possible @ 210/120
Masters Men 55+ @ 45lb/75lb/100lb
Masters Women 55 + @ 35lb/55lb/75lb
Fitness may scale to Kettlebell Swings or Hang Snatches
For rules and movement standards follow this link
All Open competitors MUST have a judge while completing this workout.
-Post results under comments
101 RX
148…..So bummed I couldn’t hit those last two burpees, but I had nothing left….
My goal going into this was to hit some 75lb Snatches… With only snatching with weight a few times, I was pretty pumped to get through all 75lb snatches 🙂
Good work everyone!!!!!!!!!
150 wahooo
100 (I spent about 6 minutes trying to get that 101st)
167 Rx
GREAT work everybody!
146 Rx. Pretty excited I made it through the second set of snatches. The rest was a bonus!
152 rx. Wanted more, wasn’t warm enough I think, shoulders weren’t to happy…
108 Rx.