A. Front Squats – 5 x 10 w/3 Min Rest
(Light-Moderate loading)
30 – 20 – 10
DB Push Presses
Air Squats
Russian Swings
A. Front Squats – 5 x 5 w/3 Min Rest (Build)
30 – 20 – 10
STO @ 95lb/65lb
Air Squats
American Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
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A. 125-135-145-155-165
B. 7:24 65# PJ, American swings are slow… still not my favorite.
20 GHD focusing on firing the quads.
D. but cut it to 3 rounds
Felt so good to get the workout done early morning. Miss that!!
A. 105, 105, 115, 115, 125 (I did FS last night too, so maybe not the best choice to do them again, but it felt good after a very frustrating work week)
B. 8:45 (STO @ 55lb, Am Swings w blue KB). First time ever doing American swings – no time like the present to learn them since I have to do them at Festivus games in a couple weeks. I have to keep reminding myself to use my hips.
Did some planks after class (4 x 45 sec).
Glad it’s Friday and I don’t have to drive anywhere today for a change.
A) 105-115-125-135-155.
B) 8:50. Only went at 65# as my shoulders felt tight in the wall-walks as part of warm-up but this ended up being way too light. Used 1 pood for the swings.
Fun WOD. I like these WODs that mix up the movements.
A. Much work on form to avoid falling forward. 65, 75, 85, 105, 115
B. 6:35. 65# 1pood worked on complete extension up top with barbell. Loved the workout.
Really liked the workouts this week!!
A. 125-135-145-155-165
B. Sport 15:47
DUs went well
A. Swings at 1 pood
Push ups were tough today.
Russian twists
Back extensions
Great WOD! I love front squats!
A. 95#
B. 9:07 @ 55# & the blue kettle bell:) it felt great!
Thanks for another great class.
Sport :
A. 125-145-155-165-175×4
B. 12:41
C. Done @ 65#
D. Done
A. 55-65-75-85-95 (really worked on getting down all the way)
B. 9:17
worked on DUs prior to class. Great class, so nice to get in 4 WODs this week.
Squats: 5×5 125 135 145 155 165
Did back squats instead since FS are not comfortable at this time. Paused at bottom but didn’t go down quite as low since I have a bit of nerve pain in my legs.
Performance except used a blue KB.
All unbroken 7:17
A. 135-145-155-165-175. Would have liked to get to 185 but back was a little tight from yesterday.
B. 13:58. Had a hard time with fatigue. Wasn’t a lung burner…in fact my breathing felt controlled the whole time, but my muscles kept giving out on KB swings and pushups.
C. Didn’t get to it.
D. Done.
A. 135, 145, 155, 185, 205
B. STO I used PJ at 75 lbs, did air squats, and did the Airdyne for a minute instead of American Swings. I’m still not trying to push it too hard since I’ve been sick forever, and thanks to Matt for reigning me in. Finished in 10:00 even! Good workout.
A. 135-155-165-165-185 (3 reps on the last set). Still trying to find a comfortable spot for my hands/wrists on front squats. I know the problem is really lack of flexbility in bringing my elbows up far enough, but on the heavier weights I can’t keep my hands on the bar.
B. 9:22 Rx. First set got all the way through 20 STOs, then broke into sets of 10 and eventually 5, but never got to that “1-at-a-time” point. American Swings were hard but not too bad.
A. 75, 85, 95, 105, 115
B: 65 and 16Kg KB
I always dislike these AFAP lift WODs as I know my form goes to hell and I feel like I’m going to hurt myself. Best that I keep the weight light.