A. 255 (new PR but didn’t have an old PR so it’s a good start).
B. 2:41 (modified with 1 armed KB c&j @ 1 pood).
A. 210# first time PR. Surprised myself
B. 2:18 85# 23 sec PR. Angry Josh can really push you!!
Angry Josh
Josh H.
A.) 285lbs – Never tested a 1RM for front squat, so I guess this is a PR
B.) 2:55 Rx – Did all singles. That’s a PR of 2min and 20sec comparing back to last August. Yowza!
Josh H.
^ I lied… I have tested my 1RM front squat before. 285# is a 60# PR.
A. 200. Early celebrated what I thought was 205, and 210–but it was just bad math. I’ll take 200, (5# PR)
B. 2:40Rx. 5-3-2-then 20 singles.
Sara Jech
A. 185 – 5 lb PR
B. 2:50 Rx… Never have done it Rxed before, so it was good to give it a go
10-5-and singles and doubles
Jessi A
A. 130 (that’s a 5# PR)
B. 3:37 @ 55#
Sara G
A. 150# – 20# PR – so close to 155# – I’ll get it next time!
B. 3:09 @ 65#
Paul Bye
A. Front Squat 255# – 50# PR! Bryce continues to remind me that I’m “quad-dominant” so I’m going to have to keep working on form on this one.
B. 3:52, @115# Clean & Jerk. 10-5-5 then singles. Next time I’ll try the Rx, probably could have done it today.
C. Tabata abs – 8 rounds situps, 1 minute plank, 2 side planks. Really good stuff, abs still sore.
Great coaching Sara and Bryce!
Susan Kian
Kb workout at home. May try grace on sat or Sunday to test it.
Kb American swings4x20
5×10 L push-ups to build strength for strict hs push-up
Plank holds and rocks with exercise ball
Kb row 4×10 on each side
40 dips off of a chair
Goblet squat 40
A. 130# 15# PR
B. 4:37 @ 55# really tough even at low weight!
A. 245lbs
B. Grace – 3:19
A. 185# (45#PR) 🙂
B. Grace 3:38 @65#
A. 255 (new PR but didn’t have an old PR so it’s a good start).
B. 2:41 (modified with 1 armed KB c&j @ 1 pood).
A. 210# first time PR. Surprised myself
B. 2:18 85# 23 sec PR. Angry Josh can really push you!!
A.) 285lbs – Never tested a 1RM for front squat, so I guess this is a PR
B.) 2:55 Rx – Did all singles. That’s a PR of 2min and 20sec comparing back to last August. Yowza!
^ I lied… I have tested my 1RM front squat before. 285# is a 60# PR.
A. 200. Early celebrated what I thought was 205, and 210–but it was just bad math. I’ll take 200, (5# PR)
B. 2:40Rx. 5-3-2-then 20 singles.
A. 185 – 5 lb PR
B. 2:50 Rx… Never have done it Rxed before, so it was good to give it a go
10-5-and singles and doubles
A. 130 (that’s a 5# PR)
B. 3:37 @ 55#
A. 150# – 20# PR – so close to 155# – I’ll get it next time!
B. 3:09 @ 65#
A. Front Squat 255# – 50# PR! Bryce continues to remind me that I’m “quad-dominant” so I’m going to have to keep working on form on this one.
B. 3:52, @115# Clean & Jerk. 10-5-5 then singles. Next time I’ll try the Rx, probably could have done it today.
C. Tabata abs – 8 rounds situps, 1 minute plank, 2 side planks. Really good stuff, abs still sore.
Great coaching Sara and Bryce!
Kb workout at home. May try grace on sat or Sunday to test it.
Kb American swings4x20
5×10 L push-ups to build strength for strict hs push-up
Plank holds and rocks with exercise ball
Kb row 4×10 on each side
40 dips off of a chair
Goblet squat 40
A. 130# 15# PR
B. 4:37 @ 55# really tough even at low weight!