A. 15 Minutes of Kettlebell Snatch work
30 x Kettlebell Snatches
400M Run
30 x Box Jumps
20 x Kettlebell Snatches
400M Run
20 x Box Jumps
10 x Kettlebell Snatches
400M Run
10 x Box Jumps
C. 3 Rounds NFT:
15 x V-ups
20 x Russian Twists
25 x Flutter Kicks
-Post results under comments
10:55 rx
Last 400 was a little bit harder than expected. Past KB classes w/ Cory really helped on the snatches.
Still sore from squats! As JG would say, it feels great to have the day paid for by 0630.
10 kg kb; 16″ box
13:47 12kg KB 20″ box
Great workout! I love/hate the running ones!!
13:21 rx…..
Oh how I hate running!
13:04 Rx’d
I love running, not too fond of kettlebell snatches
13:32 scaled
10:25. I think I posted 13:25 on the board…so I’m guessing it’s somewhere in between!
Thanks for another ass kicking!
1 pood swings, rowing and pushups, same rep scheme – 10:25? Good workout!
14:45 RX Heart rate pegged at max the whole wod after the first 400m run. Perfect for a friday eve.
10:07 RX weight with 400m rows and step ups.
I really like doing KB snatches now that I don’t bruise my forearms.
Did the vanity abs too.
13:29 with 35lb Kb. Box jumps are getting stronger, still can’t get a fast rhythm on them. 400M were killers. Running definitely a weak spot for me. Fun workout!