Friday 06072013


-The new CFP location is close to complete which means MORE space is soon to come! With more space, comes the opportunity to begin growing our community once again. We encourage you to begin inviting friends, family and anyone else to join the fun. For those interested, call [ 507-884-9370 ] or email [ [email protected] ] to set-up a free intro session.

-June 9th Prairie Walls at 1 pm 

-July 13th – Olympic Lifting Seminar starting at 12 pm – 4 pm 

-July 20th – CFP will be having another PR Challenge start at 12 pm – 2 pm 


Throwing Away the Scale

by Coach Juli

It is said that, …”the grass is always greener on the other side…”. Without ever owning a scale, I grew up believing that I was one of the “big” kids in my class. All I ever wanted was to look like that girl or that girl. I dreamed of having her legs, or her arms or her ankles or just being another girl entirely. I had the same shoe size as my brother and my dad (still do), always held the umbrella for my friends at the bus stop and could and would always eat more than all of my girlfriends put together. So just because the “little” girls and the “skinny” girls were smaller than me, was I truly the “big” girl in class? Was this a true statement? What is considered “big” and why? Societies views have changed since I was in school, but has my own attitude towards what is “big” and what is normal changed with it? Or is the grass still greener?

When I first started Crossfit a few years ago now, I weighed 135 pounds and barely fit into a size 14 jean. (For you guys out there, around 33”). I was the “big” girl who was getting bigger and needed someone to care and something to do to change that. Crossfit worked! I now weigh about 165 pounds and wear a size 8 jean. Like one of my fellow Crossfitters said once, …”put a five pound weight in your back pocket, now put five pounds of butter in the other pocket, which looks better to you?” I was finally starting to understand the difference “big”, “skinny”, and everything in between.

I have been a trainer at CFP for some time and I am speachless when someone, especially women, comment on how great I look or something to that effect without going into details, you know who you are ;), and I cannot believe what they are saying. These drop dead gorgeous ladies, that work their butts off day in and day out think that I have it made and all I can think is how I wish I looked like them. I wish I could wear shorts like her, I think to myself. I wish I could wear a tank top like that girl. I wish, I wish, I wish… .

Now I must conclude before exposing a little too much about how us ladies tend to operate upstairs, especially when it comes to looks, weight, sizes, scales, etc., but hey, I have to be honest, we can be a little high maintenance in this department. All I am saying is that there has be some point, MAN or WOMAN, where you take a long look at yourself and say, my work shows. If I want to change the way I look I have to work at it. Maybe the grass will be greener on the other side, but I suggest throwing away your scale and become a greener grass.

Work hard, it shows.


A.  Push Press – 5 x 3 

B.  3 Rounds AFAP 

10 x Burpees 

15 x Thrusters 


A.  Push Jerks – 5 x 3 

B.  3 rounds AFAP 

15 x Burpees 

20 x Thrusters @ 65lb/45lb 


Level 2 

3 Sets NFT 

5 x C2B 

2 x Rope Climbs 

Level 1 

3 Sets NFT 

5-10 x C2B Weighted 

2 x Weighted Rope Climbs

B.  3 Rounds AFAP 

8 x Thrusters @ 135lb/95lb 

6 x M/ 3 x F – Muscle-ups 

-Post results under comments  



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6 Responses
  1. Megan

    7:46 started w/ 45# for first 20 thrusters had to drop to 35# for rest! Yikes. Those were sneaky.

  2. Staci Vinz

    A. Push Jerks: 95-115-125-135-145 (stopped b/c wrists were hurting).
    B. 7:22 Rx Sport (First Rx MU WOD!!!!)

    100 GHD’s