Friday 06132013



A. Back Squats 6×5 @75%

B. 10-8-6-4-2

Push Jerk (135/95)




A. Back Squats 5×5 (2 pause -3 Regular)

B. 10-8-6-4-2

Push Jerk (185/145)



-post results to comments.  Now.  Do it.

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7 Responses
  1. Carrie

    A. 125×1, 185×5. Felt good to lift some weights
    B. 7:06. 55# kept it light and my shoulder felt good! K2E almost. Good WOD today.

  2. Crysta P

    A. 145, 155, 155, 155, 155, 155. That was a lot of squats. Wish there was more time…rushed my warm up sets.
    B. 7:42. Push Jerk @ 65 (lighter than I wanted but tweaky neck today), leg raises since trying to heal my rips from Monday. Felt sluggish.
    Did a bunch of mobility after class.

  3. JennF

    I’ll just keep posting, lame or not. (MIne keep getting erased).

    A. 155×1; 160×5.
    B. 7:01 Preformance as written with single T2Bs. Thanks for the tips Roo and Nate.

  4. Marcy

    A. 6×5 @75 (75%); last round @85
    B. 9:33; Push jerks @50; knees to elbows; BFB

    Nic, I liked the hip bridges! Great coaching!

  5. Paul Bye

    A. 185-205-225-225-225-225
    B. 7:55 – @135# jerks, as many T2B as I could get each round, then K2E for the rest