A. RDL 4 sets of 5 reps
B. 3 Rounds
20 Wall Balls 20/14
500m Row or 400m run
20 Russian KB Swings 2/1.5
A. RDL 4 sets of 5 reps
B. 3 Rounds
20 Wall Balls 25/20
500m Row or 400m run
20 American KB Swings (2/1.5)
A. RDL 4 sets of 5 reps
B. 3 Rounds
20 Wall Balls 20/14
500m Row or 400m run
20 Russian KB Swings 2/1.5
A. RDL 4 sets of 5 reps
B. 3 Rounds
20 Wall Balls 25/20
500m Row or 400m run
20 American KB Swings (2/1.5)
A. 115#
B. 13:59 (black kb)
3×20 weighted sit ups 10#
A. 85# very tight hamstrings today.
B. 13:05. 14# WB. Row. 1.5 KB.
A. 105
B. 13:41 Rx (run)
A. 135,145,155,165
B. 16:33 Sport. I still really really hate wall balls
A. 135-165-165-165-165 Thanks Nate for the guidance – the last 3 rounds were good (and hurt 🙂
B. 13:16, Rx (running) Running 2nd and especially 3rd round was rough, but kept the pace going.
C. Some good different stretches
A. 195-195-195-195
B. 14:53 Rx running
165 170 170 170
WOD Rx with running 14 -15 minutes? Can’t remember…super slow on run but was trying to do swings and wb unbroken.
Had to break up second set of wb to 17 and 3 and last set of wall balls were 13 and 7.