CFP Boot Camp
Our next boot camp starts September 30th and meets M/W/F at 7pm-8pm. For more details and to register follow this link.

A. 8 Sets
15 Sec Alternating Lunges
15 Sec Rest
B. For completion
21 – 15 – 9
Goblet Squats
Step-up x 2
A. Every 15 Sec for 16 Sets
2 x Power Clean + Push Jerks @ 135lb/95lb
Note – These do not need to be touch and go reps
21 – 15 – 9
Push Presses @ 135lb/95lb
Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch (Step ups are ok)
T2B (2:1 ratio Sit-ups to T2B)
15 Min Cap
A. Every 15 Secs for 16 Sets
2 x Power Clean + Push Jerk
21 – 15 – 9
Push Presses @ 155lb/105lb
Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch
15 Min Cap
Games Track 2014
Follow this link
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5:30 am today. …body is tired and sore
A. 85lbs… missed probably 10…. brutal. should have definitely gone lighter
B. 8:59… 85lbs…. Any STO in a workout slows me down a lot. …..
Step ups… knee pretty sore today
mix of T2B and K2E
not a good workout for me today. … looking forward to my message! !
A. Lunges done (knee mobility getting better!)
B. 6:33 (Goblet Squats w blue KB, 12″ box)
A. 95#, missed about 4-5.
B. 7:50 @ 75#, stepups, situps
A. started at 65 and ended at 55#-couldn’t get my act together today, ended up missing 1 round and then just doing 1 per round for the last half (my form sucked, so Matt had me scale back)
B.9:54 first round at 65#, then at 55#, stepups, situps
Overall, one of my worst days in a long time, not sure what my problem was today, really no excuses, just plain sucked!
Ditto that Jessi!!!!! Just not my day either!
A. Made it through at 135. It felt like the hardest of the prison rules workouts.
B. Just under the cap, but holy crap. The 15s round was the worst for sure.
A. @115# made it through all 16 rounds (barely!), had considered going 135 but this was the right weight to do today
B. 8:45 – @95# push presses, 24″ box jumps (step-ups), K2E unassisted. I should have done 115 on the push presses but the earlier round scared me into a lower weight.
Great Friday workout!
A. Performed at 95# (skipped round 9 and did 1 CJ instead of 2 at round 13) overall was good!
B. performance: 8:09rx. Thought 95# push press for that many reps was not gonna be doable, was definitely hardest part of workout for me, but went better than expected 🙂
A: @135, missed two sets
B: 9:50@115.
B: 13:10 #65 with sit-ups. Woah!
A. 55# hit every one!
B. 8:35 55# push presses, double sit-ups
Great workout!!! Arms are a little rubbery
A. @55# (missed 5 I think)
B. 9:45 55#-should have gone heavier, step ups( 20 in), dbl sit ups
A. Done: hit all reps @ 105#
B. 8:01 Rx (Felt good. I don’t know why, but PJ/PP are a good movement for me).
100 GHD’s
A. 95#. Missed maybe 5-6. Felt slow during these
B. 8:40. 85# 20″ jump T2 elbows-ish. Felt good today.
A. 95# sloppy, did a lot of 1 repped rounds.
B. 11:10ish 85#… 20 inch box jumps, with a few step ups after a shin burner. T2B for 90%… I love the grip on the front of the pull up rig… Just superstition?? Either way, I’m sold, and that’s where I will be for every pull up, and T2B going forward!! So glad I didn’t have to miss this workout– thanks to the hubs for bringing my gear. Still sweating!!
A. 65#, 14 rounds, I pushed as hard as I could!
B. Push presses @ 55#, 20-inch box jumps, knees to elbows. 12:12
Thanks to the coaches for putting all of our stuff away while we did our cooldown row!
A. Skipped 3 sets but did the rest at 105.
B. wod. Sport 13:29
Gt wod wall balls and snatches.
I feel so tired today. I thought about laying down and closing my eyes during the wod. Going to bed early!!!!
A. No idea where I ended up with these. Did 105 lbs. Had some rounds at 2 reps, some rounds at 1 reps. I don’t know if it was my shoulder that was bothering me or what, but I felt like it was super heavy today!
B. Tough wod for me…again with 105. Struggled stringing together push presses, couldn’t stay back on my heels. Box jumps were slow. Toes to bar were strict. Round 3 was the best round for me. Shoulders were on fire after that. 12:58.
GT WOD with Susan. Went well. Had a hard time holding on to the bar with my hands. Trying to be extra cautious.
A. @ 55# did first 4 with 2 sets then went to 1 set q 15 secs
B. Push presses @ 55 (should definitely have gone lighter.. rough!), box jumps/set ups @ 20 in, and sit ups