Friday 10192012


A.  Clean&Jerks – 7 x 1 w/60-90 Sec Rest

B.  4 Rounds AFAP

20 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb

5 x TNG Cleans @ 65%-75%

C.  3 x 30 Lying Leg Raises

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14 Responses
  1. Cally Vinz

    10# PR on C&J. Thanks Shanna and Alex for the encouragement and coaching. WOD 5:03, good practice on technique — Thanks for the instruction Alex.

  2. Rach H

    BS: got up to 205# (not bad, no pain w/ wt on shoulder)
    4rnds: 20 abmat situps & 5 TNG KB cleans 2/ 1.5pd