The Halloween WOD will be this Saturday from 10am – 11am, there will also be normal class hours at 8am and 9am.

A. Every 75 Secs for 5 Sets
10 x Russian Swings
10 x Planks – Palm to Elbow
B. 5 Min AMRAP
5 x Strict Pull-ups
10 x Goblet Squats
30 x Double-unders
4 Min Rest
10 x Russian Swings
10 x Air Squats
30 x Double-unders
A. Every 75 Secs for 5 Sets
1 x Clean Deadlift + Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk
B. 5 Min AMRAP
10 x Kipping Pull-ups
10 x OHS @ 95lb/65lb
30 x Double-unders
4 Min Rest
10 x Hang Power Cleans @ 95lb/65lb
10 x Front Rack Lunges @ 95lb/65lb
30 x Double-unders
A. Every 75 Secs for 5 Sets
6 x TNG Power Clean + Jerk
B. 5 Min AMRAP
5/3 x Muscle-ups
10 x OHS @ 135lb/95lb
30 x Double-unders
4 Min Rest
10 x C2B Pull-ups
10 x Front Rack Lunges @ 135lb/95lb
30 x Double-unders
-Post results under comments
A. 115-135-175-175-175…loving the progression movements and hoping to see more of these (snatches & cleans).
B. 3+3 / 2+10…..I didn’t see this one coming. Great programming!
A. 85, 105, 105, 115, 115
B. 2 + 22/ 3 + 1……………… Hands pretty sore still from Monday and I have a huge rip in my palm so pull ups and hanging on to a barbell was pretty crappy… Clearly I need to toughen them up!!
A. 100-100-100-100-100
B1. 2+10 (green+blue band/ @55#/ 60 single unders)
B2. 2+7 (first 2 @ 55#/ 60 single unders)
Those front rack lunges nearly did me in!!
Tough to get up for 0530 when I havent done it in awhile. Nice to see the early birds again thought 🙂
A. 85, 95, 105, 115, 115
B. 2+11 @55, red banded pullups ; 3+4@65 both with singles.
Did (assisted) pull ups for the first time in about 2 years.
Great core workout today
3+4 and 4
Thank you coaches.
A. Performance – 65, 75, 75, 80, 80
B. Fitness – w/red+green band, singles – 2+15, 3+22
feeling a bit sluggish today – the last 2 days were rough
Tng PC 85
Workout: muscleups just hurt. My shoulders are just ripping apart trying to do them to the point where they are no longer fun. Annoyed. I could barely manage to do any. These used to be my favorite. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I have a mental block about the new rings I guess. I just really need to get over this…it ruins my whole day.
Wod at CFP strength
A. Clean DL, pull, full +jerk at 105-115-120-125-130
Kept working on cleans after, hit 160
B. wod 1. (had to be a little creative in space… Did 1 rope climb in place of pull movements) 2+31 (1 rnd= 1 rope climb, 10 OHS at 85, 30 DUs)
Wod 2. Hang cleans and front rack lunges at 85#, 30 DUs. Done. 2+20
A. Done @ 85 (should of gone up in weight)
B. 1+11/2+12 ( definitely not feeling it tonight. Tried to solve my problems with a pumpkin cookie from Panera, but the effects were limited, before the quilt hit me.)
A. Done 85/95/95/95/100
B. 1+1 (it was real real ugly)/2+32. I wish I would have solved my problems with a Panera cookie…but I had Kit-Kats at work instead.. haha! Need to practice muscle ups but want to give this one a shot again!
A. 85lbs
B1. 3+12: 55lbs on set OHS, banded pullups with the black band. Worked on DUs.
B2. 3+32: 65lbs on HPC/FRS. Switched back to SUs.
It’s weird… during the workout I was pushing as hard as I could, but minutes after finishing I was wondering if I could have pushed harder.
A. 115#, thanks for the tips Nate
B1. 2+10 @ 75#
B2. 2+6 @ 95#
A. #65, 70, 75, 80, 85
B1. 2+11 (3 red bands, barbell, singles)
B2. 2+3 @ 55# and singles
A. 95-115-115-115-115 – worked on form, pos 3 to 2 is still not getting the full extension
B. 2+9/2+5 – @75# OHS, Hang cleans, jumping pull-ups. OHS still really hard on my wrists. Front rack lunges hard (and good!)
This is what happens on a Friday when you don’t plan in enough sleep all week – no energy 🙁
A: Done w 20Kg KB
B: 2 + 55 (SUs) – PU w/ 2 red bands
3 + 40 (SUs)