- Save the Date! The next Family Friends Day is December 4th for all classes!

A. Take 15 Minutes to establish a 3RM Front Squat
B. Every 90 Secs for 4 Sets
15 x Heavy Russian Swings
C. 7 Min AMRAP
10 x Goblet Squats
10 x Burpees
A. Take 15 Minutes to establish a 2RM Clean and Jerk
B. Every 90 Secs for 4 Sets
5 x Front Squats (From the Rack)
C. 7 Min AMRAP
10 x Thrusters @ 75lb/55lb
10 x Burpees
A. Take 15 Minutes to establish a 2RM Clean and Jerk
B. Every 90 Secs for 4 Sets
5 x Front Squats (From the Rack)
C. 7 Min AMRAP
12 x Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch
12 x Thrusters @ 95lb/65lb
-Post results under comments
A. Made 135#. That second rep is tough
B. 75, 85, 105, 125.
C. 45#. 4+5. Good workout
A. worked to 105#
B. 65, 75, 80, 85 – felt less awkward than it normally has
C. 4+4. Thrusters @ 35lb. This was pretty brutal on my wrists.
10K row 44:45
A. 185
B. 135,135,145,145
C. 3+12
A. 165 for 2. Missed the second clean at 175.
B. Done at 145. Should have gone heavier, but my back wasn’t agreeing.
C. 6+5. That was a huge burner! Good workout though. Mental toughness needed for that one today!
A. 110#.
B. 1st set at 85#, the rest at 95#
C. This was rough!! Thrusters at 55#. Couldn’t keep them unbroken after the first round.
Friday 7:30 open gym. Did muscleups (a bunch in a row 🙂 ) and ctb pull-ups and a few handstand push-ups . I didn’t break a sweat but it was fun.
A: new PR 105#. Realy tried to concentrate on form, with help from all the coaches
B. we all skipped B
C. 3 + 10 @ 65# Was much tougher than I thought it would be. The CNJs from part A took a lot out of my shoulders. Really struggled with the burpees all the way through.