A. Snatch Balance – 3 x 5
B. 10 Min AMRAP
10 x OHS
10 x Box jump overs
(Testing week for Performance)
A. Take 15 mins to establish a max Snatch
B. 10 Min AMRAP
10 x OHS @ 95lb/65lb
10 x Box jump overs @ 24inch/20inch
A. EMOM – 8 Mins
5 x GTO – Heavy Stone
B. 10 Min AMRAP
10 x OHS @ 115lb/85lb
10 x Box jump overs @ 24inch/20inch
-Post results under comments
5 + 10 on the WOD, and a 10# PR on the snatch today.
5 + 2 WOD
10# PR snatch (85#)
A. PR on my snatch today… 85lbs- first time I have ever tried a PR snatch
B. 6 + 15
A.) 5# snatch PR! I’ll take it!
B.) either 5 + 18 or 6 + 18……lost count.
A. 15# snatch PR! (145#) – att. 165 and 155. Way to go 4:30 class with so many PRs today!
B. 7 rounds @85#, 24″ box. Wrists still hurt on the way down on OHS
A. 15# pr @165
B. 5+7 95# and 24″
5# snatch PR (#110) 😀
Performance- 5+5
Strength WOD
A. 7+7
A. only met my PR didn’t get above it — just couldn’t get the 75# up there today
B. 8 rounds – (apparently I went too light, but dang those OHS really hurt my wrists!!)
Great fun working with Suzie today!
A: 135
B: partner with Bryan 11+10 scaled
A. 70# (5# PR)
B. Jen & I got 5 rounds each (partner workout) – went light on weight because of my wrists/hands, and then worked on shoulder mobility. 20″ box jumps during a workout (and not doing step-ups) was a first for me, though!
A. 110# (10#PR)
B. 5+3 with some combination of OHS, front squats, and back squats. My back decided it didn’t want me to do this workout at about minute 3.
A. 135#
B. Partner 5 +12.
Did strength at 11
Then did
30 sec on 30sec off for 20min on the airdyne
304 Total Calories
That was tough
A. 175….failed attempts at 185 for pr!!! Bob killed it though!!!
B. not sure but enough
A: 125 (tied old PR) ran outta time to go heavier…
B: 7 rx’d
sneaky lil wod.. ached my right flank on back… it was odd…
A. Snatch PR at 85# but could not repeat. Went high early. Even with my slightly sore legs from the 5K race yesterday.
B. Did 8 but fought to get a complete round. Used 55# and 16 inch box. Could of went higher on the box. 55# was good for OHS because my wrists were sore and I had to shake them out during the box jumps.
A. Snatch PR by 10 lbs. (130 lbs).
B. 6+10 @ 95 lbs.
Good workout….felt good today!
A. 5# PR – 115#
B. 5 + 10