-Big thanks to all our members that were able make it to the Cinco De Mayo get together. It was great to see everyone out of their workout cloths enjoying the company and community CFP has brought together. The CFP Regional team also raised over 700 dollars towards their trip to Regionals in Chicago May 18th-20th. Words cannot describe how thankful we are towards our members being this generous….a HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERYONE!
–Just a reminder to all our Silver, Gold, Platinum members wanting to use their 20 minutes 1:1 skill sessions to contact Matt @ [email protected]. If you are interested in 1:1 private training with a coach beyond the regular classes, please contact us @ [email protected]. We offer 20 minutes sessions @ $25.00 and 60 minute sessions @ $75.00 sessions.
–Have you been posting under comments lately? Please continue to post your results and how you felt during and after the WOD. It is the best indicator on how the programming is working and if it needs any additional tweaks.
As always,
Thank you to all of our members for making this community so special.
-The CFP Owners and Coaching Staff
Monday’s Barbell Complex
A. 5 x 1 – (2 x Push Press – 1 x Push Jerk – 1 x Split Jerk) w/90 Sec Rest
1 set equals all barbell movements in the parentheses. You are not allowed to re-rack the bar until all the movements are completed.
B. Turkish Get-Ups – 3 x 3 (R/L) – medium-heavy
C. With a Partner
10 Minute AMRAP (You go I go)
10 x Burpees
200M Sprint
-Post results under comments
love the skinny jeans!!!
135, 155, 185, 195, 205
Alex/Jim/me: 4+10, needed that one after last weekend.
95,115,135,145(fail), 140 (fail)
See Shawn Vinz post above for my effort with the big boys
Barbell complex – 95, 115, 135, 145, 155
TGU – 45# DB
WOD – 3rds + 10 + 100m, solo with 1:1 work/rest ratio.
At home:
B. TGU: 15lb highest dumb bell wt I have
C. If I had done it with a partner it would have been 5 rounds. I did 3 rounds and rested for the amt of time I did the previous round
Embarrassed to come back to the box since I have been so inconsistent and down right lazy. I’ll be back on Thursday…there will be no more excuses!
Partner WOD with SUPER Jess!!!
Bench Press 5×5: 75-85-90-95-105(x2)
100 abmat situps
30min trainer ride
Split Jerk
Snatch Pulls
Missed my PR attempts.
Perfect workout to get back into things after a little (or a long) break 🙂 …I think me and stac got 3 or 4 rounds
Sorel and I – 3.5 rounds – 95 up to 135
3.5 rounds w/Jaclyn
Why were v-ups so bloody hard?!?