A. Snatch – 5 x 1 w/2 Min Rest
B. 7 Rounds
1 Min of:
1 x Heavy Snatch – (Progressively increase your loading each round)
Max Double unders for the remainder of the minute
1 Min Rest after each round
Score = total weight lifted + Double-unders
-Post results under comments
WOD: 795# (did triples), 158 DU’s.
660 + 160 (failed 1 round attempting a PR).
305 (did triples), 495 singles
1000 m swim, then crossfit: 350#, 79 DU
snatches 5×1: 85, 95, 100, 105, 110 (shoulda tried 115, or 120)
wod: 710 snatches, & 483 DU’s (had them for few good rnds!! felt great!)
choose wts I knew I could hit, shoulda tried a 115#. shoulders & back just stiff after working all weekend.. ugh!
1225, 247 DU
Worked on snatches, then squats…WOD 450/150 did 20# slam balls.
1,085/775 (singles)
Wod : #590 and 731 SUs