Monday 07152013


-The new CFP location is close to complete which means MORE space is soon to come! With more space, comes the opportunity to begin growing our community once again. We encourage you to begin inviting friends, family and anyone else to join the fun. For those interested, call [ 507-884-9370 ] or email [ [email protected] ] to set-up a free intro session.  

-July 20th – CFP will be having another PR Challenge start at 12 pm – 2 pm

Congrats to all of our participants in the Olympic Weight Lifting Seminar this past week!
Congrats to all of our participants in the Olympic Weight Lifting Seminar this past week!


A.   8 Min Skill AMRAP 

Pos 3 Snatch Deadlift 

Pos 2 Snatch 

Snatch Balance 


B.  3 Rounds AFAP 

10 x Hang Power Cleans or 20 x Russian Swings 

15 x Burpees 

10 Min Cap 


A.  Every 90 Secs for 8 Sets 

1 x Snatch + 2 OHS 

Take 5-10 minutes to work up to a reasonable training weight before starting this sequence.  

B.  3 Rounds AFAP 

10 x Power Cleans @ 115lb/85lb 

20 x Lateral Burpees 

10 Min Cap 


Level 2 

Every 90 Secs for 8 Sets 

2/1 x Muscle-ups (Scaled if necessary) 

3 x TNG Power Snatch -Start at 115lb/85lb  

Level 1 

Every 15 Secs for 16 Sets 

2 x Power Snatches @ 155lb/105lb 

4 Min Rest 

Every 15 Secs for 16 Sets 

2/1 x Muscle-ups 

B.  3 Rounds AFAP 

10 x Power Cleans @ 155lb/105lb 

20 x Lateral Burpees 

Optional Accessory all Levels 

A1.  Reverse Hyper – 3 x 20 (Light) 

A2.  GHD Sit-ups – 3 x 20 

A3.  Banded Pull aparts – 3 x ME 

-Post results under comments  

33 Responses
  1. Malachi Johnson

    A.) 155, 155, 165,165, 165, 175, 175, 175…. Should have started @175 and maybe added after that.
    B.) 9:21….Burpees are not my friend!

  2. Megan R

    A) @ 60lbs, probably could’ve added another 5lbs
    B) 9:15 cleans @65, thought about doing 75 but i knew those burpees would kill me. and they did.

  3. Roy Thompson

    Feedback for Matt, my 2 cents…

    A. Every 90 Secs for 8 Sets

    1 x Snatch + 2 OHS -> Good sets. I added extra squats for strength. If I would have added more weight I would have been a little unstable overhead.

    Take 5-10 minutes to work up to a reasonable training weight before starting this sequence.

    B. 3 Rounds AFAP

    10 x Power Cleans @ 115lb/85lb

    20 x Lateral Burpees -> sucked the wind right out of me. Tough set I seem to always have trouble with the laterals.

    10 Min Cap -> Finished in 8:38

  4. Nicole Chovan

    A. L1 – Muscle up progressions with feet on 20 inch box. Snatches – 5 rounds at 85, 3 rounds at 95. Probably could have/should have gone to 105.
    B. 7:52 cleans at 105.

    Strength program. Went a little lighter on the squats than I would have liked, but it felt pretty heavy today.
    Also, got my first muscle up today! Woo hoo! 🙂

  5. Carrie

    A. Started at 95# thinking I’d increase the weight a little but found out I needed work on my OHS form. Falling forward then backwards. Not low enough. Yikes
    B. 85#. Josh loves my technique, or lack of. 8:25. Those burpees are tough!!

  6. Pat Demeules

    A. Started at 95, finished at 115
    B. 95#, time was 9:07 burpees or too much beer this weekend slowed me down.

  7. Crysta P

    A. 60#. Snatch form felt better after oly seminar except for the one rep I let my mind wander and bombed on. Focus!

    B. 65#. 9:12.
    Super tired and clean form not good. Actually “enjoyed” the burpees more than the cleans today. Probably should have taken another day off following oly seminar.

  8. Cally

    A. started at 45, then went to 55 – worked on getting down in my squat with overhead position. Did much better tonight
    B. 55#, 9:14

  9. Steve Vinz

    A. 95, 105, 115 X 6 (could have gone heavier).
    B. 9:30….115lbs X 1, 95lbs X 2.

    Good workout….burpees are always tough. 1st workout in 5 days. Great to be back!

  10. Fred

    A. 95lbs. The OHS was the weak link
    B. 8:45 with 85lbs. The burpees wore me out and then I had sloppy form on the cleans

  11. Susan kian

    Did snatches at 85 every 15 seconds
    Did muscle ups every 15 seconds and made the the first five or so easily but then started slipping …then i got another one and then i after that they were close but just kept slipping. Had a hard time maintaining false grip once i got tired. I will work on these.

    Wod sport rx 7:35. I am not going to lie i thought i was gonna collapse almost the whole time. It was a blur. 🙂

  12. Jenn Frank

    A. 80# x4; then 85 x4; felt good with my position and the depth of my squat.
    B. 7:47 Rx… burpees were tough, almost pass out worthy work out

  13. Jessi

    A. 35-35-40 for awhile-eventually 45…kept it light for my shoulder, and for the fact that I suck at OHS.
    B. 9:44 @65#. Burpees were hard.
    C. GHDs – 1×20, 1×17, 1×15 with 1×15 back extensions in between each set
    85 banded pull aparts

    I appreciate the accessory work – I don’t have time to do the full strength programming, but this gives me an option to work a little on my strength after class.

  14. Allison

    A. 95-100-105-105-110-110-115-115. Power snatch, snatch push press x2
    B. 8:40 sport

    First WOD in 3 weeks and first sport WOD ever.

  15. Sue N

    A. 55 lbs, good place for me to start to work on form, but should have added more weight.
    B. 9:31, 65 lb cleans, that many burpees in a row suck the life out of me! Especially lateral burpees…

  16. Bob

    A. 75,75,95,95,115,115,115,115. Hit all my snatches missed my last set of OHS so reset and did 2 OHS

    B.WOD @ 115 8:08. Burpees are terrible. Felt great to do a WOD though, excellent 730 class

  17. Teresa

    a) 55 — need to work on catching the bar lower. Can’t wait til August when I can make Oly classes again,
    b) 8:40 @ 65 — cleans felt good but burpees suck!

    Hard workout — I can really tell that I haven’t been eating enough the past week.

    Loved Jeremy’s mobility! Hurts when you are doing it but it feels so much better afterwards.

  18. Cory L

    A. 65, 65, 70, 70, 75, 75, 80, 80
    B. 3+27 @ 70#

    Burpees… I will be doing lots of burpees. Thanks to all for the encouragement!

  19. Jeremy Moreland

    I got two rounds plus 20 reps before the workout capped. Just 10 burpees shy of a completion! 65#