Monday 07232012

Teaching the snatch

Simply Frustrating  


A.  Snatch – 5 x 2 w/90 Sec Rest 

B.  4 Rounds AFAP 

6 x Power Snatches

3 x Snatch Balances 

20 x Double-unders 

Rx @ 135lb/95lb

C.  100 x banded good mornings 

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8 Responses
  1. jeff

    great workout today!! didnt do the wod but worked on kettlebell complexes. oh and that dam muscle up, i will get one by the end of the week, even if it kills me:)

  2. Amy

    WOD @ home
    10 min AMRAP
    5 Burpees
    10 push-ups
    15 air squats
    Followed by a 1 mile run
    5 rounds

    This is my history…to be more inconsistent working out as time goes on. I’m trying to break this bad habit. I’m on-call this week so it will be difficult for me to make it in but I will try to do the WODs at lunch.