Monday 08052013


Unique Community Discount Code (UCDC): WLCRYGBsbPoc
Unique Community Discount Link (UCDL):
Both our CODE and our LINK will do two things:

Give you a $5 discount on registration
Register you with OUR Community

Regular price of the Challenge $49
Early registration price $44
Player discount applies to both regular and early registration price

Early registration August 1 – August 7
General registration August 8 – Sept 6



A.  Snatch Progressions 


800M Run 

40 x Wallballs 

30 x Russian Swings 

20 x Jumping Pull-ups 

10 x Burpees 


A.  Every 75 Secs for 8 Sets 

3 x Position Snatch (Pos 3,2,1) 


800M Run 

50 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb 

40 x Pull-ups 

30 x OHS @ 115lb/85lb 

20 x Burpees 

10 x Power Snatches @ 115lb/85lb 


Level 2 

A.  2 Sets NFT 

10 x Muscle-up Progressions 

10 x Strict Pull-ups 

10 x Strict Dips 

Level 1 

A.  3 x ME UB Set of Weighted Muscle-ups 


800M Run 

50 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb 

40 x C2B Pull-ups 

30 x OHS @ 135lb/95lb 

20 x Burpee over Bar 

10 x Power Snatches @ 135lb/95lb 

Optional Accessory 

A.  20 Min Sled Pull @ 90lb/45lb (Marching Band Steps) 

-Post results under comments  

25 Responses
  1. Megan

    Had to scale back on the overhead squats and power snatches… Felt very inefficient today.
    Finished in 15:33 probably could have done more weight.
    Great programming. Grueling WOD.

  2. Alexi

    17:02 I think. Today was a very “off” day for me. Nothing felt good, except the wallballs. My snatches today for the strength portion felt off, I missed a rep or two with less than 50% of my 1RM. My shouders stopped working after the wallballs and my OHS were crap – I ended up taking off all the weight and just using the bar, and even then my lower back kept getting this twinge of pain, which I imagine was from my butt wink (tight hamstrings), and my shoulders felt really weak today. Very weird, but I made it through.

    Oh well, tomorrow is a new day.

  3. Jim

    A. 95
    B 24+ minutes. Ego got me big time today. I knew I probably should scale before even starting but decided to give Rx a try. Then was too stubborn to drop the weight, even though I knew I should, until everyone else was done and I was at 15 OHS and fabulous Coach Juli called me on my stupidity. I then dropped my weights to 95lbs. Bad CrosFitter today

  4. Megan R

    A: 55
    B: 18:36; did American Swings for pull-ups; only felt safe up to 17 OHS; did american swings instead of power snatches at the end. Maybe it’s just my lingering injury/fear of re-injuring but I think 30 OHS in a WOD is too many. Or I guess I could just do straight OHS more frequently to feel more comfortably doing them in a WOD, but they don’t seem to make it into the strength programming very regularly. Just something to consider I guess. Frustrated.

  5. Sara Jech

    A. 90lbs
    B. 18:11- All pull ups (but looking back I wish I would have done the American Swings- I feel like I would have gotten more out of those and I wouldn’t have re ripped my hand), OHS and Snatches at 65lbs…… Love these longer WODs!!!!!!!!

  6. Holly T

    A. 75#
    B. 18.26 -that was a tough wod! I had to do back squats instead of ohs because of my dumb shoulders not cooperating! I like these kinds of wods, once through for time.

  7. Laura a

    This workout was tough haven’t done OHS in a long time. Frustrated at my ability to complete the OHS. Even did kettle bell Inatead of push ups. Hope my shoulders aren’t s screaming tomorrow.

  8. Jessi

    A. Just did 35# today…still keeping it light for my shoulder on these, and I felt really off today.
    B. 18:17 Performance – American swings for pull-ups, and ended up doing front squats instead of OHS. My wrists were not cooperating on those. WOD wasn’t as bad as I’d anticipated, but I tend to dread anything with wallballs.

  9. Staci Vinz

    A. Worked on MU. Got 7/8. Worked on swinging less.
    B. 20:02 Sport…..Yikes!!! That was not so fun, but good none the less!!!
    50 GHD’s
    2000m recovery row

  10. Nicole Chovan

    A. Level 1 -done
    B. Sport minus chest to bar pullups. I did 5 then they ended up being just kipping pullups. Overhead squats felt super heavy, thought about scaling it back but left it at 95. Only could do sets of 2 or 3. Finished 19:58.

    Attempted lifting today…failed terribly. Wrists hurt so started with squats. Did 5 sets of 3 reps at 155lb and it felt like crap. So I called it a day! Better luck tomorrow!

  11. Susan kian

    Muscle ups practice -decided to try with no false grip and it wasnt so bad…didnt rip up my wrists and i could string them together .
    A few strict pull ups
    Wod: @20 minute cap i had done 2 snatches. I finished the other 8 after the time was done. That was tough. Really close to puking.

  12. Ryan N

    A. 85#
    B. Performance, 15:54, had to really scale down OHS, 65#… body didn’t want to cooperate this evening.

  13. Bryan Donaldson

    It has been awhile since I made it to the gym for a WOD so I took it easy. 23:27, I scaled the weights back on the lifts but the other items were Rx.

  14. Teresa

    1) 55 for rounds 1-4, 60 for rounds 5-8
    2) 19:38 with lots of scaling
    Tough WOD after being away for a week — came very close to puking for the first time!

  15. Steve Vinz

    A. 95lbs.
    B. 19:30….scaled the weight to 85lbs, everything else Rx.

    Good workout….I enjoyed that one!