Not sure how to score this so… total reps:
Wallballs: Laura 60; Lisa 25
Situps: Laura 65; Lisa 30
10 M Shuttle Run: Laura 3×7; Lisa 1×3, 2×4
Burpees: Laura 31; Lisa 12
Cal Row: Laura 29 cals; Lisa 15 cals
**Trying to talk Lisa into joining!
Did the workout with Margo. We lost count in the first round. I think Lisa should join
I have no friends. Why wouldn’t anyone want to hang out with me at 5:30am? Fun workout nonetheless.
Susan Kian
Fun workout. My friend loved it.
Staci Vinz
Good Recovery WOD.
Cory L
Fun WOD. Thought I’d have to limit myself on the wallballs more, but ended up going lower and lower round by round.
Tim Rabe
Fun workout. Hope you do this again so I can actually find a friend to bring.
Nicole Chovan
Good workout! Shuttle runs killed my legs. I didn’t even think they were that bad! Nate made me use a 20 lb ball for wall balls. I probably needed the push since 10 was far too light for me, but I think 20 was a little heavy. My shoulders were pretty achy and my form wasn’t the best.
Crysta P
Done with my co-worker Mary V. It was a good time. The new wallball targets seem really high…
Not sure how to score this so… total reps:
Wallballs: Laura 60; Lisa 25
Situps: Laura 65; Lisa 30
10 M Shuttle Run: Laura 3×7; Lisa 1×3, 2×4
Burpees: Laura 31; Lisa 12
Cal Row: Laura 29 cals; Lisa 15 cals
**Trying to talk Lisa into joining!
Did the workout with Margo. We lost count in the first round. I think Lisa should join
I have no friends. Why wouldn’t anyone want to hang out with me at 5:30am? Fun workout nonetheless.
Fun workout. My friend loved it.
Good Recovery WOD.
Fun WOD. Thought I’d have to limit myself on the wallballs more, but ended up going lower and lower round by round.
Fun workout. Hope you do this again so I can actually find a friend to bring.
Good workout! Shuttle runs killed my legs. I didn’t even think they were that bad! Nate made me use a 20 lb ball for wall balls. I probably needed the push since 10 was far too light for me, but I think 20 was a little heavy. My shoulders were pretty achy and my form wasn’t the best.
Done with my co-worker Mary V. It was a good time. The new wallball targets seem really high…