A. Every 90 Secs for 5 Sets
1/1 x Kettlebell Windmill – Demo Video
5 x Power Swings
21 – 15 – 9
Russian Swings
A. Every 90 Secs for 5 Sets
2 x Snatches
21 – 15 – 9
Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch
HR Push-ups or Dips
Hang Power Snatches @ 65lb/45lb
(12 min Cap)
A. Every 90 Secs for 5 Sets
Pause Snatch (Knees 3 count) + Hang Snatch
For max load
21 – 15 – 9
Box Jump overs @ 24inch/20inch
Ring Dips (From Muscle-ups)
9 – 7 – 5
Squat Snatches @ 135lb/95lb
(12 min Cap)
-Post results under comments
A. 85, 85, 95, 95, 105, 105
B. 6:17
20 inch box jumps
HR push ups
55lb Snatches
Good workout to start the week off!!!!! Looking forward to a great week!
A. 120lbs. Nervous system is a little fried after the MN Open on Saturday so I went lighter than I normally would have.
B. Performance 7:44 rx. Great workout!
A. 95 working on form
B. 7:26 Rx
A. 60-60-65-65-65
B. 9:06 Step-ups, Push-ups off box, 35# (I meant to do 45#, and noticed at the end of the WOD that I’d only done 35# Grrrrr)
A.)165, 185, 185, 185, 185
B.) Performance: 6:30 RX
A. Done at 105. It felt really heavy today. No idea why.
A2. 5×5 OHS. Did 5 sets at 85, then 3 sets at 95. They felt very weak. One of my weaker areas.
B. 17:56 struggled with ring dips hard core. Another weakness. Did the first 21 from muscle ups (5-4-then sets of 1 and 2s), then switched to rings…and still struggled! ooofta! Rough day.
Skipped GT stuff today cause my shoulders were smoked and I was frustrated with how the workout went. Better day tomorrow! 🙂
A. 95, 105, 105, 105, 105
B. 6:51 and really sucking wind at the end. Felt like it took me a few reps each set to get my rhythm on the snatches.
A. 95-95-115-115-115
B. 6:36
A. 85 85 95 95 95 felt light but I just try to have good technique
B. sport rx
1st round muscleup +7 dips
2nd round muscleup+4 dips
3rd rd muscleup+2 dips
Remainder of dips done on matador- an ongoing struggle to kip my dip. As much as I prefer strict I am trying to learn it. I get the concept in my head I think but my body is not listening.
Everything else went well 12:43.
Did the WOD at the strength gym. 8:01 with calorie row instead of box jumps. Haven’t done crossfit workouts in a while. This was pretty rough.
A. 40, 40, 45, 45, 50 – felt good to add some weight today
B. 8:57 – Box Step Ups @ 16 inch, HR Push-ups, Snatches @ 35lb
Felt really good about moving up to the 16 inch box today!
A. 45# worked on form and did really well hitting it every time
B. 8:03 — 12″ box jumps, started with 45# snatches and dropped to 35# to do them consecutively with good form.
Working on building strength and mobility in my shoulder with the snatch. Feeling a bit wimpy and disheartened with only 35or 45#s on the bar.
Typo, not rx since they were not all from muscleups oops
A. 75# every attempt. Working on form. Over and over.
B. 5:38 did 20″ step ups instead. Liked the work out today.
Felt like relatively good form
Step ups 20″ box
Some pretty decent HR push ups
Great WOD! Loved this one.
A: 55#
B: didn’t look at time. finished under 12 min cap, not by much but under. (Thanks Julie for pointing that out)…35#, 12″+25#plate step ups and push ups.
A. 105-110-115-120-125
B. 13:08 Rx (ring dips from low rings, getting better, but still a challenge at the end.)
100 abmat sit-ups
A. 2 sets @ 65, 2 sets @ 70, 1 set @ 75 (need to work on the full squat)
B. 13:22-mixture of box jumps/step ups, HR PU regular/knees, hang power snatches @ 45
A. 85# few more tips from Shawn to better my snatch technique.
B. 7:49 RX but increased the snatch weight to 55 pounds… Strict hr pushups, step downs off box.. A few press outs on snatch.
85 85 95 95 95
Sport workout with muscleup and as many ring dips I could do after. 1st set -7, 2nd -4, 3rd-2.
Remainder of dips done on matador 12:43.
Snatches 95 and box jump overs were fine.
A. Snatches at 65#
B. 20-inch Box jumps (eventually step ups), HR pushups, snatches at 45#; 8:55
C. 35 Birthday Burpees
A. 75, 75, 75, 95, 95
B. 7:40 @65 lbs.snatches, 20″ box, and 1/2 bar dips-1/2 HRPU’s.
Getting the ryththm of the snatches was a challenge.
Felt good to do the WOD again….still taking it easy!
3 KB Cleans @ 1.5 pood
1/1 x Kettlebell Windmill @ 1.5 pood
5 x Power Swings @ 1.5 pood
B. 6:28
Russian Swings @ 1.5 pood
Box Jumps @ 24 inches
HR Push-ups
Still working on healing my shoulder and increasing mobility. Good workout!
B Fitness 7:10
A. Progressed to heavier weights with each set of Snatchs, hit full squats. 90, 95, 100, 100, 105# (Great for doubles for me!)
B. Performance with Ring Dips, Should have scaled this up even more for me. Finished Performance in 6:13, Ring Dips getting easier.