Paleo Potluck – Starts at 12:00 pm Oct 21st at Jess and Jeremy Sutton’s house. Bring a dish to pass around (make sure it’s paleo) and get to know everyone at CFP!
Halloween Workout – Will be held on Oct 27th starting at 10 am – 12 pm….get your silliness on!
A. Snatch – 7 x 1 w/60-90 Sec Rest
B. 3 Rounds AFAP
200m Run/Row
75 x Double-unders
C. 3 x 1 Min Planks
-Post results under comments
Snatch, OHS, Snatch balance.
WOD: 7:21 Rx
WOD modified: Row and Med Ball Slams: 6:45
Snatch work- feels good to try a lil lifting again with the leg.
WOD: 3 rds:
200m row
25 ground to overhead with weight
more 1 arm KB snatch 7×3 got up to 1.5pd, couldn’t maintain control though.
wod: 6:33 rx’d (for once I can type that!!)
5# PR on snatch, soooo close to 10#, just couldn’t stand up with it.
8:35 WOD and I finally did an entire workout with double unders!
Snatch 125 matched my pr
WOD: 5:31 only missed once on the double unders