A.) Superset
5×5 Bench Press
5×5 Bent over Row
B.) For time:
15 Double KB Thruster(35/26)
15 Dips
15 Cal Row
12 KB Thruster
12 Dips
12 Cal Row
9 KB Thruster
9 Dips
9 Cal Row
A.) Superset
5×5 Bench Press
5×5 Bent over Row
B.) For time:
15 Thruster(95/65)
15 Dips
15 Cal Row
12 Thruster
12 Dips
12 Cal Row
9 Thruster
9 Dips
9 Cal Row
A1.) Snatch – 15 minutes
Bar / skill work – 80% or less singles
A.) Superset
5×5 Bench Press
5×5 Bent over Row
B.) For time:
15 Thrusters (135/95)
15 Strict Ring Dips
5 Cal Bike
12 Thrusters (135/95)
12 Strict Ring Dips
5 Cal Bike
9 Thrusters (135/95)
9 Strict Ring Dips
5 Cal Bike
Worked up to 65# on the rows and 75# on the bench press
8:50 for the wod with DL 26#kb, and a red and blue band on the matador. The dips were easy, but the thrusters were tough this morning. Great workout, and a great way to start the day!
Im continuing to keep it light due to nerve damage…can’t wait for that to heal!
A1. 75-75-75-75-75
A2. 75-75-75-75-95
B. 15 Double KB Thrusters @ 10kg
15 Ring Rows
15 cal Row, etc