Holiday PR Challenge
Who: All CFP members
Challenge: How much STRONGER and FASTER can you get in 5 weeks?
Challenge Prelims: Week of December 3rd, Test your Max Snatch, C&J, and 2K Row during the daily gym programming for Monday and Wednesday.
Challenge Finals: Saturday January 12th 2013 @ 9am.
Prizes: TBA
Cost: FREE for members
Register: Follow this link to log in your name and results
-Questions please forward them to Matt at [email protected]A. Take 20 Minutes to establish a 1 rep max Snatch
Kettlebell Swings
25ft Shuttle Run x 2 <-> (Between each round)
-Post results under comments
Snatch: 2 EMOM for 10 minutes w/ 95% 1rm. Yeah, I don’t get it either.
WOD: 3:59 w/ 36kb bell, Russian swings
A. 135lbs
B. 7:52 2 pood American swings
A. 65# – tie for PR
B. 4:40 with 1 pood (first time using the “blue” KB) Russians
A. 195lbs
B. 3:58 1.5 Russians
A. 60#
B. 5:18
35 min trainer ride.
A: 145
B: 4:03 with 1.5 pood russian
A. 115# (just missed 125!)
B. 5:02, although I may have done 9 twice 🙂
A. 125
B. 4:44 1.5 Russian
A. 115, 10# PR. Pushed out 120. Form still needs plenty of work.
B. 3:59 1.5 pood
A #95 I put up 105, but my form was too awful to count
B: 4:35 1.5 pood
Snatch 75# could have been more, was feeling good but ran out if time.
WOD 4:23
snatch 75# (felt great to lift, form kinda sucks thou)
wod: 4:18 w/ 1.5 pd KB
Snatch 125
WOD 4:30
Snatch 105#
WOD 4:36 with the yellow striped KB.
Snatch 60
WOD 4:23 with the kb that’s in between the blue and yellow
Snatch 85#- Frustrating that I cannot get the “lean back/shrug thing” down Must be pretty obvious when 3 coaches have told me the same thing!! ARRGH!!..
WOD 4:35 1pd.
Snatch 125# – driving up okay but can’t seem to get myself to squat down under the bar very well, need to work on that.
WOD 4:49 24kg kettle bell
Tired from an 8 hour day of running around at work. Only did 65# for snatch with recent PR of 75#. when my lifting weight goes up my form goes down. Thanks coaches for helping me. 4:14 with 1 pd KB. I am glad I can run again.
A : 95# snatch
B : 4:47 with 1.5 pood Kb
A: 50# snatch
B: 5:10 using blue KB
Snatch 65#
WOD blue KB Russian, 4:54
A. Snatch 60- it was not happening today!
B. 4:11-1.5 pood