A.) Deadlifts – 8×7
– @ 45% or less
B.) 5 rounds
10 Walking lunges w/plate OH
10 Sit-ups
10 Bench dips
A.) Deadlifts – 8×10
– @ 45% or less
B.) 5 rounds
10 Walking lunges w/plate OH
10 Sit-ups
10 Dips
A1) Clean and 2 Jerks – 15 min.
– work up to 1 lift at 80% or less
A2) Dead lifts – 8×10 @45% or less
B.) 4 rounds
15 double KB OH lunges
15 GHD or weighted sit-up
15 Dips
-Results to comments!
A. 85, 105×7
B. 6:53 (WL w/25# plate, dips on matador 1 set w/ blue band, rest blue + red)
Lots of mobility after class…my butt hurts from the squats yesterday…
Welcome, Nicki! You’ll fit right in if you’re already taking selfies! 🙂
A. rounds 1-4 @70#; rounds 5-8 @75#
B. 10 lb. OH plate (should have done 15#); dips with a green band, situps
A. 145
B10:15 4 rds with 10kg double KB Oh lunges, 14# weighted sit ups, skinny blue band dips.
Nice to have 2 coaches/4 eyes. Welcome Nicki!
A. 155
B. 6:56, @45# OHS, matador dips (last round was “jumping” matador dips)