Saturday 02222014


All Levels

10 Rounds

10 x Thrusters @ 75lb/55lb

10 x Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch

10 x American Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood

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3 Responses
  1. Sara Jech

    Max reps
    5 mins- Cal Row- 84
    4 mins- Burpree Box Jumps- 43
    3 mins- DB Manmakers @ 15lbs – 24
    2 mins- Am. Swings @ 1 pood
    1 min- C2B 11 out of 14 attempts

    9am- Back squats 5×5
    Bring Sally up at 85lbs……… WOW… Sally kicked my butt, BUT would love to try this again not after max out the BS the night before and all the heavy squats right before……… I think I missed 5 or so squats throughout! It hurt!

    1 Squat Clean + 10 Front Squats @85lbs
    1 Squat Clean + 5 FS @ 85lbs
    1 Squat Clean + 5 FS @ 85lbs

  2. Staci Vinz

    Beach WOD:
    5 rounds AFAP:
    Approximately 400m run (on the beach)
    25 air squats
    15 burpees
    23:00 This one was a calf killer. Sand running is hard!!! Got breathing pretty good too!!!

  3. Cally

    Ditto to Staci’s post but I ran one flag shorter (maybe 50 m) and only did 20 & 10. 25:26. Gonna be sore tomorrow, glad it’s a day off!