A. Eva
(45 Min Cap)
5 Rounds AFAP
800M Run
30 x Kettlebell Swings @ 2 pood / 1.5 pood
30 x Pull-ups
5 Rounds AFAP
800M Run
15 x Kettlebell Swings @ 1.5 pood / 1 pood
15 x Pull-ups
4 Rounds AFAP
400M Run
15 x Kettlebell Swings @ 1.5 pood / 1 pood
15 x Pull-ups
-Post results under comments
Oly class: Got stuck AGAIN! at 120# snatch… kept failing…
Wod: different d/t rain
KB swings amer 1pd
Box jumps overs
WB’s @14#
made it Rx’d till rnd 15 then had to do stepups, knee/ hamstrings started to hurt… still too tight.
Time: 14:33
intermediate eva w/ blue band- 32:07 then oly class
20 mile bike with Jen!!!
And Sun was 3X400 swimming at the DAHLC