Fitness – Performance – Sport
A. BB Split Squats – 10 – 12 w/2 Min Rest
B. Deadlift – 1 x 20 (Light)
C. 4 Rounds AFAP
20 x Cal Row
15 x OHS @ 115lb/85lb (Sport @ 135lb/95lb)
15 x C2B Pull-ups
30 x Double-unders
10 x Burpees
-Post results under comments
A. Done
B. Done
C. 25:15ish.. Terrible… Couldn’t catch my breath throughout the workout… OHS at 65, Chest to chin over the bars, single unders…YUCK!!
A. Done 45#
B. Done 85#
C. 24:54 35# OHS, Single Unders
Felt good to my already sore muscles:)
Actually I feel better in terms of fatigue. Great WOD.