- There will be no classes this Saturday due to the Pendlay weight lifting seminar from 8am – 5pm.
- Registrations for the Whole Life Challenge is live! This will be an EPIC challenge that will guarantee amazing results! Starts Feb 16th and will run for 8 weeks, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity! Follow this Link to register, Non CFP members are welcome to this challenge as well!
- CFP is proud to host the level 1 Pendlay Weight Lifting seminar by MuscledriverUSA on February 9th. Glenn Pendlay is one of the top Olympic Lifting Coaches in the US, coaching some of the top lifters in the country. This is a 1 day hands on seminar, the registration fee is 200 dollars. Limited to the first 30 participants, follow this Link to register. There are only 5 spots left!
- The Super Friends Throwdown is on February 23rd starting at 9 am. Teams of 4 battling it out through 5 plus events guarantees that this is going to be fun and crazy Throwdown. Teams must register before January 28th to get a t-shirt for the event. Limited to 12 teams, follow this link to register.

Fitness – Performance
A1. Chin-ups Strict (Partner assist if needed) – 3 x ME
A2. Push Press – 3 x 10-12
B1. One Arm Bent Rows – 3 x 10 (R/L)
B2. Strict Press (Kettlebells) – 3 x ME (R/L)
B3. Banded Tricep Push-downs – 3 x ME
B4. Banded Pull aparts – 3 x ME
C. Annie
Double-unders (2:1 Singles : Doubles)
A. 5K Recovery Row
B. 10 Min AMRAP
1/1 x TGU
1/1 x Arm-bar
10 x Russian Swings
C. Mobility
-Post results under comments
A1.) 7 or 8 with Green Band
A2.) 3 x 10 @ 125
B1.) w/ 1.5 pood (not sure if that is how you write it)
B2.) 10, 8, 8 w/ 1.5
B3.) Green Band
B4.) Red Band
C.) 9:19 w/singles
A1. 10 per round combo of dead hand and jumping
A2. 3X10 @ 75
B1. 1 pood
B2. 10 w/1pood
B3. green band
B4. red band
C. 5:04 Rx’d unlike Cindy, which I’m good at but don’t really like, I love Annie just not sure how to cut 40 seconds off my time to get down to Matt’s
30 minute jog- 10 min pace
5×1: R/L TGU with dumbell: 15/20/25/25/25
5×20 hollow rocks
-then after a big breakfast with eggs, bacon, and LOTS of coffee-
6 miles of hiking through El Yunque National Forest: Yunque, Mt. Britton, Big Tree and La Mina Falls trails.
Today, I am greatful for CFP allowing me to be fit enough to handle to uneven, up and down terrain during the hike. I definitely feel like have better balance, coordination and endurance since starting CrossFit. Its nice to see that all the stuff we do in the gym translates into fitness and freedom outside the gym.
5k Recovery Row
A1. 8, 8, 10 (strict chin-ups are easier than pull-ups!)
A2. 10@35#, 10 @55#, 10@55#
B1. pink kettle bell
B2. 20#
B3. @25
B4. @25
C. 7:09
Love doing this type of WOD with the ab work.
Wod: 7:30 Rx, unPr. Only missed one du, just need to get conditioning back.
WOD: 8 minutes with singles. Strength as written prior to WOD.
Oly class…
More back squats!!!
Max wt sets of 2reps (1w/ 3 sec pause at bottom + 1 reg sq)
Got up to 190#…
30 minute jog- 10 min pace
5×1: R/L TGU with dumbell:
5×20 hollow rocks
6 miles of hiking through El Yunque National Forest: Yunque, Mt. Britton, Big Tree and La Mina Falls trails.
My abs hurt! At around 5:30 I looked up and thought “Jess would have already been getting a drink right now”
It’s dark in her shadow.
6:29 and I think that’s a PR
Used 30lbs for row and shoulder press (6-7). Chin-ups were surprisingly harder than chin-ups since the full extension hurt my elbow. 6, 4,2. Push press 3×12 with 65. Green band for tricep 20-25 reps each time and red for pull aparts same amount of reps. I like the strength workouts. Still weak at elbows in push-ups and ring dips since I can’t keep them stable….would like to work on it.
Oly class was great. I should go more often. been having trouble with right wrist when I add weight… but Nick gave me 3 exercises to help…handstand push-up , reg push-ups and holding the kettle bell straight upside down and lifting it. I used light weight and focused on technique. I need to do more front squats. Seriously weaker that BS. Front of quads were burning.
A1. 3 per no band
A2. 135
B1. 55, 100, 100
B2. 1 pood for 10
B3. Blue band. 15, 12, 12
B4. Thin blue band for 15’s
C. 7:37. All single w jump rope