A. Perform the following for total time:
1000M Row or 800M Run
Rest 3 minutes
4 Rounds AFAP
15 x Burpees
20 x Russian Swings 2/1.5 poood
Rest 3 minutes
60 x Wallballs 20lb/14lb
Rest 3 minutes
4 x <-> Sprint
30 sec rest
3 x <-> Sprint
30 sec rest
2 x <-> Sprint
30 sec rest
1 x <-> Sprint
-Post results under comments
30:00 +
28:03 That was a good one. Thought I was going to die during the burpees.
WOD, 29:00….that was a great workout! For me, I really enjoy the workouts that don’t have such a focus on weightlifting. I felt the 60 wallballs were the most challenging. Good job Matt!
26:35…challenging workout and definitely pushed me outside of my comfort zone…i find myself being able to do things i never dreamed possible. love working out with the cfp community and coaches…all of you encourage me to keep moving/going…i definitely would not do this if i were working out alone. burpees were tough! great work, everyone!
32:02 I did everything but used the blue taped kettle bell. I second Mark, lol. I felt very low energy today for some reason, so I really struggled, but I got it done.