–Remember the Cinco De Mayo Gathering at 11am – 4pm this Saturday!
-Are you interested in buying a new pair of INOV8 shoes? Get 15 dollars off any pair of INOV8 if you order them thru CFP, catalog and order sheet are located in the CFP retail area. Make sure you write down the correct size, type, and color of the item you would like to purchase. We’ll put orders thru once we have at least 10 orders written down.
A. 10 Minutes of Alternating Turkish Get-ups
B1. 3 x 15 – GHD Sit-ups w/60 Second Rest
B2. 3 x 15 – GHD Back Extension w/60 Second Rest
C. 2000M Row for time
-Post results under comments
9:08 first time rowing 2k. long ride. 🙂
That Josh Reasnor kid beat me by one second on the row, he just can’t help being such a stud.
I enjoyed the GHD sit-ups and back extensions.
2K row 7:35.
Proves you can’t win in the first 500m but you sure can lose. Went too fast and was dead by 1000m and just hanging on to the end
Did some stuff and recovery row.
Did Oly class too.