Thursday 06052013


-The new CFP location is close to complete which means MORE space is soon to come! With more space, comes the opportunity to begin growing our community once again. We encourage you to begin inviting friends, family and anyone else to join the fun. For those interested, call [ 507-884-9370 ] or email [ [email protected] ] to set-up a free intro session.

-June 9th Prairie Walls at 1 pm 

-July 13th – Olympic Lifting Seminar starting at 12 pm – 4 pm 

-July 20th – CFP will be having another PR Challenge start at 12 pm – 2 pm 


What did you Expect?

By Nic Scudamore

You did it, you signed up for this thing called CrossFit, stuck it out through the first couple of months through all those awe full workouts. Even on the really good days you’re starting to squat all the way down on your snatches!

How do you continue to keep this success going, how do you keep improving?

You must have goals; without goals why would you expect to be consistent with your workouts and results?

The goals you decide don’t have to be groundbreaking. Goals can be as simple as wanting to be more proficient in your russian kettlebell swing, or working out 5 times per week. Both goals are worthwhile and both will take time and effort. If you want to get a little more serious start keeping track of your workouts in a WOD book and each day at the top of the page write down your goals. If you want to get a little more extreme start letting people know about your goals like coaches and workout partners, this way they can encourage you and it puts positive pressure on yourself to accomplish your goal. You might be asking “but when do I have time to work on kettlebell swings if they’re not in the daily WOD?”. You know that one more song you listen to in your car before you come in to workout, or the 10 minutes of mobility you’ve been skipping at the end of the work out, that’s when. Taking 5 minutes before or after a workout to work on a skill like kettlebell swings, doubles unders, or Snatch bar work, is something you can do everyday, there are no excuses not to accomplish your goals. Put time into your goals a little bit everyday and you will see the results.

Fitness – Performance

A1.  Bench Press – 3 x 10 

A2.  Ring Rows – 3 x ME 

B.  W/a Partner 

12 Rounds (Alternating) 

Prowler Push High Handles x 25 Yards Down and Back 

Choose Appropriate Weight 

If it’s raining 

B.  Tabata Interval Rowing (Max Calories) 

20 Seconds on, 10 seonds off – 8 Sets

Rest 5 Mins and repeat for 2 cycles total. 

-Post results under comments  


A.  3 x 1200M Row w/Rest as needed  @ Z1 

B.  Mobility

-Post results under comments  

3 Responses
  1. Rach

    A: bench : 75, 85, 95
    Me ring row: 12, 12, 9
    B. prowler push w/ Tina: sled + 90#
    Plus 5mile bike ride… Legs gonna hurt tomorrow!!