A. Clean and Jerk 6×2 @75%
B. 5 Rounds- Unbroken
7 Hang P Clean (135/95)
7 STO (135/95)
Rest as needed between rounds/movements
A. C&J 5×3 (TNG)
B. 5 rounds-Unbroken
7 Hang P. Clean (185/125)
7 STO (185/125)
Rest as needed between rounds/movements
C. 3 Rounds
10 double KB Lunge (1.5/1)
5 Double KB Press (1.5/1)
-Post results to comments!
A. 90
B. 75, 70 x3, 65 – realized quickly in the first round that 75# was too heavy for five rounds, dropped to 70# and made it through 4 STO in round 4 and dropped the bar, so went down to 65# for the last round and did it unbroken
A.55-60. Working on form to avoid more elbow pain.
B. 55-60. Felt good!
Loved the 90s hip hop and dancing by Mike during the wod. Love the 530AM crew!
Great mobility at the end- hello, banded couch stress. Oye.
couch stress- that was a convenient typo!! Banded couch stretch! What a great stretch!
A. @55
B. 7:00 @45 for the hang power cleans & STO
Great coaching Nic!
Also enjoyed the core work & mobility after!
A. 125×2 for 6 rounds.
B. 95# for 1st pair unbroken, then split me reps for round 2, so dropped to 85 for rest, unbroken– approx 6:30??? Bruised thigh for 4th of July 🙁