Thursday 08132014

Calm after the WOD.
Calm after the WOD.


A.) 15 min DB and KB clean and jerk practice 

Start with 1 DB, then try 1 KB, then try 2 DB, then try 2 KB


B.) 3x300m row at 60%, 80%, and 100% effort

feel the difference between each. 


3 rounds

Row 300m

12 Russian swings (1.5/1)

1 lap farm carry (1.5/1)

***Really focus on a consistent pace throughout entire workout, row will probably be closest to the 80% effort***



A.) 3×1 Clean and Jerk – 3×1 @ 80%

B.) 3x300m row at 60%, 80%, and 100% effort


3 rounds

Row 300m

12 American swings (1.5/1)

1 lap farm carry (1.5/1)

Row will probably be closest to the 80% effort***


A.) 3×1 Clean and Jerk – 3×1 @ 80%

B.) 3x300m row at 60%, 80%, and 100% effort


3 rounds

8 cal Assault Bike

10 KB snatch (5L/5R) (2/1.5)

1 lap farm carry (2/1.5)

C.) 5×5 bench press

Build to max on 4th set and then decreases lightly for last set.


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3 Responses
  1. Susan kian


    Rowing workout twenty minutes. Have a sore throat. Decided to take it easy and go hard tomorrow.

  2. Paul Bye

    A. 75-135-165-165-165. Shoulder really tight.
    B. 12:02, Rx. Right arm kept wanting to lose grip, but I made it.

  3. Mark Michalski

    A. worked up to 185 lbs. I haven’t done the C&J forever
    B. 12:10 – farmer walk was a grip killer!