Jess A1. Max Effort Hanging L-Sit w/60 Sec Rest A2. Rope Climb – 3 x 3 w/60 Sec Rest B. 2 Rounds AFAP 75 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb 50 x Sit-ups 25 x Pull-ups Rest 5 minutes after the first round -Post results under comments
Jim September 6, 2012 at 11:04 am 25 sec L-step got my butt kicked by Meredith WOD: 20:50 I hate wall balls and still feeling the situps and pullup kip in my abs
Rach H September 6, 2012 at 6:29 pm 17:45 2 rnds AFAP 75 sq w/ full wt vest 50 situps 25 R arm snatches w/ 1pd
Kit September 6, 2012 at 7:55 pm WOD – 18:22rx OlyLift – Clean+Hang Clean+Jerk 7 x 1 115-135-155-175-185-190-195 (F) Case closed.
Squats and Bench Press.
17:27 Red Band Pull ups
18:31 graduated to Red Band Pull-ups!
25 sec L-step got my butt kicked by Meredith
WOD: 20:50 I hate wall balls and still feeling the situps and pullup kip in my abs
17.01 Rx. Brutal.
WOD 17:08 RX
2 rnds AFAP
75 sq w/ full wt vest
50 situps
25 R arm snatches w/ 1pd
WOD – 18:22rx
OlyLift – Clean+Hang Clean+Jerk 7 x 1
115-135-155-175-185-190-195 (F)
Case closed.