CFP Boot Camp
Our next boot camp starts September 30th and meets M/W/F at 7pm-8pm. CFP offers group discounts of three or more, for more details and to register follow this link.

A. 4 Sets
8 x Weighted Push-ups
45 Sec Rest
8 x Strict Pull-ups
45 Sec Rest
B. 3K Row AFAP
A1. Close Grip Bench Press – 3 x 8
A2. Bent Over BB Row – 3 x 8
B. 3K Row AFAP
A. 10K Row
B. Mobility
-Post results under comments
A1.) 225
A2.) 135
B.) 11:53 Row felt pretty good.
3k row: 14:14
6 mile recovery run today 🙂 and some mobility 🙂
10k row done in about 47 minutes
A. Push-Ups not weighted, but I got 6 strict in a row with no worming. 🙂
Pull-ups w green band.
Push-ups felt better than the pull-ups.
B. 3K Row: 14:40
I need my endurance back. Thanks Malachi for giving me a pep talk the last 200m.
A1. 95, 100, 105
A2. 75, 95, 95
B. 11:29.3