Thursday 10102013



A.  3 Sets 

5 x RDLs 

30 x Sec Rest 

10/10 x Alternating Lunges (Weighted) 

30 x Sec Rest 

30 x Sec Plank 

30 x Sec Rest 

B.  10 Rounds (You go I go) 


200M Row

20 x Sit-ups 


A.  EMOM – 8 Mins 

3 x Power Snatches (Does not need to be TNG) 

B.  10 Rounds (You go I go) 


200M Row

20 x Sit-ups 


A.  EMOM – 8 Mins 

3 x Power Snatches (TNG) 

B.  6 Rounds AFAP 

300M Row @ 90% 

1:1 work/Rest 

-Post results under comments  


3 Responses
  1. Pat Demeules

    A. 75#
    B. 14:46 with Keith.

    Was a little rusty on the snatch, but it felt nice to get back after 3 weeks off. New space is awesome.

  2. Nicole Chovan

    A. 105/105/115/115/120/120/125/125
    B. 12:14 stayed pretty consistent 1:08 for each 300m.

    Worked on butterfly pull-ups. Struggled with them but practice makes perfect. Did some clean and jerks. Went well!

  3. Susan kian

    Snatches all at 85. Very light but I did something new that I was not doing before….punching the bar up at the end. It gave me a very stable finish.
    10:05 for workout. Felt strong.

    Very nice to meet some new people in my class since I don’t always attend Thursdays.