- 10% OFF!!! For the month of November all SFH Fish Oil is 10% off. Our next pre-order will be going out November 25th!
- There will be no regular classes this Saturday due to the Turkey Throwdown starting at 9am – 3pm (tentative)
- Save the Date! The next Family Friends Day is December 4th for all classes!

Fitness – Performance – Sport
A. 3 Sets NFT
10 – 12 x Box Jump w/Step down
10 – 12 x Bar Taps
10 – 12 x (R/L) Back Rack Lunges (From the Ground)
B. 3 Rounds
2 Min Max Calorie Row
1 Min Max Sit-ups
2 Min Rest
5K Row
-Post results under comments
A. @135 and T2B
B. 38 cal/31 – 34 cal/30 – 35 cal/30
And I thought today will be an easy day…BAM! Good way to start the day.
A. Box Jumps @ 12″, Lunges – 2 sets w 15lb bar, 1 set w 35lb bar
pretty happy with my grip for the bar taps – actually got 12 in a row on my first set and 10 in a row the 2nd 2
B. 31/24, 27/17, 27/17
seemed to lose all steam after the first round
A. Box Jumps at 24 inches. Lunges 95/105/105
B. 5K row. 21:15? I can’t remember off the top of my head.
Then did EMOM deadlifts for 10 minutes. Increase by 10 lbs each minute.
Then did iron scaps and tried to roll out my shoulders.
A. Box jumps at 24″ – still can’t do any overhead stuff due to shoulder injury, so did leg raises, raising hips off floor once legs got overhead – only used the bar for lunges in anticipation of Turkey Throwdown!
B. 36/28 – 34/28 – 34/27