Movement Warm-up Set
2 x Sets NFT
10 x Good morning stretch with PVC
10 x Kettlebell Deadlifts
10 x Medball Slams
2 x <-> Skipping (shoot for maximal height!)
Take an additional 5 minutes to work on any Mobility issues
A. Deadlift – 5 x 3 w/2-3 minute rest (increase weight each set)
B. EMOM (Every minute on the minute) for 10 minutes Perform:
3 x Deadlifts @ Heavy but doable weight
10 x Bar facing burpees
1. Front Squat – 3 x 3 “warm up to the weight, 3 x 3 should be a set weight”
2. Snatch – Perform – 5-8 singles “do a weight that you won’t miss! Focus on Technique
3. Clean & Jerk – 5-8 singles “same as the snatches”
4. Shoulder Press – 3 x 5 “Progressive Loading”
-Post results under comments
26 lb KB
10 lb wall ball
10 rounds @ 205 DL
8 rds @ 225