CFP – Olympic Weightlifting Class Description
Whether you just want to brush up on your Olympic lifts for an upcoming Cross-fit competition, or you want to train through a full 12-week program, CFP’s Olympic Weightlifting class can meet your needs. The main focus of the class will be to teach the Olympic lifts to the point of technical mastery. This will be done through the use of the Olympic lifts and a combination of various assistance exercises. For those who come to the class consistently, expect to follow a 12-week periodized program that will take you from beginning strength to competition ready. While there is not one perfect program that works for everyone, the goal with this starting program is to create a set of base numbers for each lifter that we can build upon and program specifically for the future. See you at the gym!
-6:30 Pm Olympic Lifting Class
–6:30 Pm Kids Class!
Movement Warm-up Set
Coach’s Choice
A. High Bar Back Squat – 5 x 5 (warm-up to a set weight)
B. 4 Rounds for Total Reps
1 Min Medball Slams 20lb/14lb
30 sec rest
1 Min Sit-ups
30 sec rest
1 Min Burpees
1 min rest
-Post results under comments
4 rounds:
1 min med ball slams (used 6kg real med ball)
1 min GHD’s
1 min burpees
30 sec rest between all work sets
1.) 44, 45, 44, 43 = 176
2.) 29, 29, 29, 30 = 117
3.) 20, 22, 22, 23 = 87
380 total reps
95,97,100, 91 = 383
HBBS: 105 lb
WOD: 97 + 101 + 46 = 244
HBBS- 5×100, 5 sets
WOD: 310