- There will be no classes this Saturday due to the Whole Life Challenge!
- Registrations for the Whole Life Challenge is live! This will be an EPIC challenge that will guarantee amazing results! Starts Feb 16th and will run for 8 weeks, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity! Follow this Link to register, Non CFP members are welcome to this challenge as well!
- The Super Friends Throwdown is on February 23rd starting at 9 am. Teams of 4 battling it out through 5 plus events guarantees that this is going to be fun and crazy Throwdown. Teams must register before January 28th to get a t-shirt for the event. Limited to 12 teams, follow this link to register

A1. Back Squat – 3 x 8
A2. Pull-overs – 1 x 20
B1. Ring Rows – 2 x 10
B2. Lunges – 2 x 10
C. 4 rounds
2 Min AMRAPs
6 x Burpees
12 x Russian Swings
Rest 1 Min after each round
A1. Take 15 minutes to work up to a heavy 5 rep Squat
A2. Pull-overs – 1 x 20
B. EMOM – 6 Minutes
10 x T2B
10 x Walking Lunges
C. 4 Rounds
2 Min AMRAPs
6 x Burpees
12 x Russian Swings (Heavy)
Rest 1 Min after each round
A1. Back Squat – 1 x 20 Rep (-35lb – 5 Rep Max)
A2. Pull-overs – 1 x 20
B. EMOM – 6 Minutes
5 x T2B
10 x Wallballs @ 25lb/14lb
C. 4 Rounds
2 Min AMRAPs
6 x Lateral Burpee Box Jumps 20inch
6 x Deadlifts @ 225lb/185lb
Rest 1 Min after each round
Optional Accessory
Bar Muscle-ups – 5 x 2
Handstand walks – 10 minutes to practice
Whole Life Challenge!!

-Kessa Reasnor
A Paleo challenge? Why would I want to do that? That sounds terrible. My diet is pretty good already… That sounds like a lot of work… I’m too busy and don’t have time for that… I can do it on my own…
These were basically my thought’s when I first heard about the Whole Life Challenge that was starting last fall. Initially I had no intentions of doing it. Then, I had a thought… If what I’ve always done isn’t working… it’s time to try something new. So, with a lot of optimism and support from CFP, I took on the challenge. To say it changed my life is a massive understatement. I can’t tell you how much this challenge will change your life forever. I could write a book about it… I won’t… But, I could.
It is so much more than a “Paleo challenge”. Just as its title explains, it really is a whole life challenge; not one part of my life wasn’t impacted for the better after those 8 weeks. That being said, there is a huge focus on your diet. Before the challenge I followed Paleo about 50% of the time. Now I am at 95% and I would rather skip a meal then have to eat things that make my body sick. And trust me, I was a bread, sugar, carb-o-holic beforehand. If I can change, believe me, you can change too. Your body wants this from you! Before the challenge I counted calories and used all kinds of sugar substitutes and cut calorie corners anyway I could. But, for the Challenge, I decided I would change that too. I would not count a single calorie… Instead, I would follow the Paleo rules, eat when I was hungry, consume appropriate portions, and see what happened. I wish I could put into words how much better I felt physically and mentally. I will never count another calorie as long as I live. I am so passionate about the principles and concept of the Challenge because of how powerful the changes in your life can be.
I learned a lot about myself and my potential during the Challenge. I learned that I wanted more from life… I don’t want to settle for ordinary health because I can get it through the drive-thru. I want real, healthy, spirited, meaning filled life. Through the WLC, I realized I need to nurture each part of my life in order to do that.
Results. Incredible results. The most valuable of them being how I felt physically and mentally, I can’t explain how different I am now. There were also some measureable results as well. Like losing 18 pounds and 20 some inches I think (I can’t remember exactly). I had definition and physical features I did not even know existed on my body!
Now all of this being sad, since the challenge has ended, I have not been perfect. I still have things I struggle with and keep me humble. But, I am ready for another challenge. I have new goals and have learned from my experience during the previous challenge and am ready to apply this to the coming 8 weeks. Won’t you join me??

A1. 165 5 rep max bs. Failed at 175.
A2. Done
B. done t2e
C. 2+2 2+3 2+3 2+4 yellow kb
Yuck! Sweaty mess again!
Knees to chest/elbows. sorry.
endurance WOD: 4X1500m row w/3:00 rest 6:06, 6:04,6:07,6:15
A1. 3×8: 95,115,125
A2. 45#
B. 6×10 knees to chest+lunges
C. 2+3, 2+5, 2+4, 2+5
A1. 3×8 85,105,115 (last set wasn’t pretty)
A2. 1×20 35#
EMOM x6mins
B1. Ring Rows 10
B2. Lunges 10
C. 2,2,1+11,2 (1.5 pd)
A. BS 5 rep max @ 225lbs
B. Done
C. 3+1 – 2+6 – 2+3 – 2+3
A1. @ 150#
A2. @ 35#
B. Done (16#wb)
C. 2-2-2-2+4 (burpee Box jumps)
100 Russian twists with 25# plate
Snatch @75#
C&J @95#
Back squats 105,115,125
Nice job Kessa!!!
5×5 front sq: 105, 115, 125, 135, 140
5×5 back sq: 135, 145, 155, 165, 175
Oly class 7×1 @ 75-80 lbs, 7×1 @ 105, 3×5 BS 125, 135, 145,
pullovers @ 35lbs
6min EMOM 5 t2b 10 14lb wall ball
lateral burpees+ 1.5 pood russian swings
2+2, 1+16, 1+12, 2
First time in a long time that I haven’t felt dead before wednesday.
A1. @ 255#
A2. @ 45#
B. Complete
C. 2+11, 2+5, 2+5, 2+6
Accessory Work:
Bar Muscle-Up Practice
A. 275
B. Done. Knees to chest.
C. 2+14, 2+5, 2+3, 2+8
A – only up to 225# no bumper plates at the firehouse 🙁 but we do now have a C2 Rower and an AbMat. Coming soon, medicine ball and better pullup bar.
A2 – w/ 45#
B – Done
C – 2, 2, 2, 2 dogged it and didn’t do additional burpees each round with 10-15 sec remaining before the minute rest.
A: 5 rep back squat @ 165#
B: done
C: 2+13, 2+10, 2+6, 2+13
Did sport and struggled. Could not get to two rounds for any of them. I like back squats. Oly was good but I was over thinking and forgot everything I ever knew about the clean. I still haven’t figured out how to feel powerful when I am back on my heels…. My knees feel wobbly and weak. I keep wanting to just jump straight up…one of these days I will figure it out…
Oly night! Feeling better each week with Snatch work. YEAH!
Kettlebells with Corey.
Oh, and 1000 m row and 5×5 back squats @ 205