A1. Romanian Deadlifts – 3 x 8 w/45 sec rest
A2. Kettlebell Presses – 3 x8-10 w/45 sec rest
A3. TGU – 3 x 5 (L/R) w/60 sec rest
Perform movements as a circuit, for example, perform 1 set of A1/rest, 1 set of A2/rest, 1 set of A3/rest and repeat.
B. AFAP (As Fast As Possible!!!!):
1000m Row
Followed by…
5 Rounds
20 x Russian Kettlebell Swings (Heavy)
50 x Double-unders (100 singles)
-Post results under comments
13:00 substituted 800m run for the row because of the awesome weather today!
13:33 (singles)
12:10 8oom run & 1.5 pood
13:56 800m run & 2 pd & 150 singles, because my doubles blew today.
11:57, 800m run, singles, 1 pood. So nice to run outside!!
My run was improved- much thanks to Josh for the help on run training!