push press–4×2–35, 55,75, 85–thanks for pushing me to try 85lbs, alex, tina, and stacy
WOD: 9+2–16inch box jump and 55lbs.
Steve Vinz
Push Press – 95, 105, 115, 115.
Jack – 8 rounds, 85 lbs., 1 pood, 20″ box.
Good workout….felt good.
Push press – 185,195,205,225(x1)
WOD – 9+15
This was a tough one, the push presses during the WOD killed me.
push press 55,75,75,85
9+11 (4 rds 65#, rest @ 55#), 1 pood, 20″ box jumps
Thanks, Alex, for pushing me to get that extra round + 11.
Jen Brickley
push press 45, 65, 65, 65
10 + 3 (2rds 55; 4 rds 45; 4rds 35), 1 pood russian, 16″ box jumps. Even tho it seems wimpy, I have never been able to do all box jumps yet (always have gone to stepping) so that is an improvement! 🙂
Keith M
push press 95,115,115,125. 10+6 65#. It was a good work out and now it can never be said that I don’t know Jack!
Push Press: Did some
WOD: 8 @ 85# with step-ups.
50 laying down twisting toe touches to bar
Push Press 155, 155, 185, 185
WOD 10 + 10 (russian KB’s)
Had a tough time locking out the push presses during the WOD, I’m sure my form was sketchy, at best.
9+23. Great WOD! Once I found my push press weight, I cruised on auto and had a great workout.
Push press 4X2: 55/75/85 then 75/85 then 80
JACK: 9+23…3 rds @ 55, 3 rds @ 45, 3+23 @ 40….35 KB…20-in box
Push press: 95, 115, 135, 155
WOD: 8 + 24 @95
Push press: 95, 115, 135, 155
Jack: 7+6 @ 85 lb
14+14. I love that any workout can be modified and still leave you dripping wet and gasping for air.
Push press: 185, 195, 205, 225 (4×2)
WOD: 10 rounds Rx
push press–4×2–35, 55,75, 85–thanks for pushing me to try 85lbs, alex, tina, and stacy
WOD: 9+2–16inch box jump and 55lbs.
Push Press – 95, 105, 115, 115.
Jack – 8 rounds, 85 lbs., 1 pood, 20″ box.
Good workout….felt good.
Push press – 185,195,205,225(x1)
WOD – 9+15
This was a tough one, the push presses during the WOD killed me.
push press 55,75,75,85
9+11 (4 rds 65#, rest @ 55#), 1 pood, 20″ box jumps
Thanks, Alex, for pushing me to get that extra round + 11.
push press 45, 65, 65, 65
10 + 3 (2rds 55; 4 rds 45; 4rds 35), 1 pood russian, 16″ box jumps. Even tho it seems wimpy, I have never been able to do all box jumps yet (always have gone to stepping) so that is an improvement! 🙂
push press 95,115,115,125. 10+6 65#. It was a good work out and now it can never be said that I don’t know Jack!
Push Press 135, 155 x 3
WOD – 9 + 2 Rx
Nice work guys!
Push Press: Did some
WOD: 8 @ 85# with step-ups.
50 laying down twisting toe touches to bar
Push Press 155, 155, 185, 185
WOD 10 + 10 (russian KB’s)
Had a tough time locking out the push presses during the WOD, I’m sure my form was sketchy, at best.
9+23. Great WOD! Once I found my push press weight, I cruised on auto and had a great workout.