The WLC challenge finale will be held this Friday starting at 6 pm through 8 pm. The 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm classes will be canceled for the day. Make up for the WLC workout can be done this Thursday the 11th at 6:30 pm

A1. Back Squats – 4 x 5
A2. Pull-overs – 1 x 20
B. 4 Rounds AFAP
10 x Deadlifts
15 x Burpees
15 Min Cap
A1. Back Squats – Work up to a heavy 5 rep set
A2. Pull-overs – 1 x 20
B. 4 Rounds AFAP
10 x Deadlifts @ 185lb/135lb
20 x Lateral Bar over Burpees
15 Min Cap
A. EMOM – 10 Minutes
Even Min – 7 Front Squats @ 70%
Odd Min – 7 x Push Jerks @ 70%
B. 4 Rounds AFAP
5 x Muscle-ups
10 x Deadlifts @ 225lb/135lb
20 x Lateral Bar over Burpees
15 Min Cap
Optional Accessory
A. 5 Rounds NFT
3 x Rope Climbs
40′ Handstand Walk
Max L-Sit hold
-Post results under comments
BS: 65-85-105-115, Pullovers at 25
Wod: 85# DL – 10:17
performance Rx 9:29
A1. @225lbs
A2. Done
B. 9:42 “sweeet Jesus I thought I got Bronchitis after this WOD….ain’t nobody got time for that”
A1 : up to 245lbs, PR for 5 reps
A2 : done @45
WOD : 11:00 Rx
Opt work : 1 handstand walk , 3 x 1min plank holds, mobility.
A. (did sport so I can do BS at OLY later) EMOM FS @105 and push press (oops) 65
B. 5 chest to bar pullups
10 deadlifts @ 135
20 lateral bar burpees
C. 2 rounds of the opt accessory with handstand holds instead of walks.
Deadlifts @ 135lb
20 Lateral bar Burpees
10:42 Sport… fun wod!
A: emom @ 95 (shoulder was achin’ a lil so didn’t push it, legs were still sore too)
B: wod:
3MU + 2 C2B pull ups
10 DL @ 125 (worked more on form, and watching my back)
20 burpee over bar
legs still super sore!!! glad to be back for my first Tues/thurs wod since July… 🙂
A1: up to 185# X 5 reps
A2: 20 @ 45#
B: 10:05 @ 135# deadlifts, performance
A. EMOM: 4 rds @ 120#, 6 rds @ 105# (this one made me sweat!!)
B. 10 DL @ 135#
20 burpee over bar jumps
CFP Strength at 11
A) 225 for both lifts 3/5 on each..that was rough
A. ) 5 rep Max 155.
A2- done
B. Performance (baby’d the back 105 DL. 9.29.
A1: 205 PR, 210 (f3)
A2: 45#db
B: 8:52 Rx
A, 5 reps – built up to 125#
B. Performance 11:21 (DL – 105#)
Gonna take it easy on my knee for the next several weeks and see if I can get it back to full function
A. – 135 – 155 – 185 – 205 (PR for 5 reps)
A2. – 45#
B. – DL at 155# (watch form next time)
Oly class–first time back in a few weeks. Right knee has been giving me fits.
A. EMOM: 10 rounds @ 95#, not too hard, could have gone heavier I guess.
B. 1 muscle up and then switched to 5 muscle up progressions to keep a good pace going..also sharing rings would kill time.
10 DL @ 135#
20 burpee over bar jumps
Managed better than yesterday…meaning I didn’t almost die.
Oly class and partnered with Darcy. Fun. 🙂
Oh and 4 passes of handstand walks