A. 75-85-95-105-115. Felt good. Have to keep my elbow in better. 1.5 pood
B. 18:13. Between Jerry on Sat and today my shins are sore. Not used to running at all. Nothing fun about this workout.
Crysta P
A1. 75, 85, 95, 100, 105 (broke up into 3 reps and 2 reps) – w/ Carrie – we decided we better go heavier than last week or get grief from Matt…
A2. 1.5 pood – I may finally be getting the hang of swings…
B. 15:59 – Was nervous about the run after last Wed’s run fail during the WOD, but it felt good today. Felt like I was in a pretty good groove after round 2. 🙂
Josh Hoekstra
A1.) 145, 155, 165, 165, 175
A2.) 2-pood x4, then “orangie” x1
B.) 11:?? – I didn’t get lapped by Michael! That’s a success any day of the week. 🙂
A1. 135,135,135,135,145
A2. 2 pood
B. 12:00
Nicole Chovan
A1. 85-95-105-115-120
A2. Done 1.5p
B. 11:34…used blue, yellow, yellow, black, black. Green wasn’t going to happen.
C. Done
D1. Done
D2. Did banded because my shoulder is bothering me a bit.
Jen B
CGBP: 65 x 2; 75 x 2; 80 x 1
WOD: 12:49, Row. Felt really sluggish on the burpees today. Maybe the early workout time?
Susan Kian
Cgbp 85 90 95 105 110
Kb 1 pd
WOD did 10 rounds because I saw Staci s
Notebook and read it wrong. Oops.
200 m row
10 kb snatch
Sara G
A1. 65, 75, 80, 85, 90 – last week I couldn’t get 5 reps @ 85, this week I got all 5 reps @ 90! I’m excited to see what my 1RM is – last time I tested it was 95.
A2. green KB
B. 14:08, running
A. 55-65-70-70-75 max out round at 55/18 reps
yellow kb, American swings
B. 14:16 did 2 rounds running the rest rowing. I don’t know what is wrong with my shins but the shin splints are back.
Paul Bye
A. 135-155-185-185-205-215 – improvement over last week
B. 14:08 w/ running
For me, this kind of workout is a benchmark of what I’ve gained since starting CrossFit – 2 years ago I would have thrown up or passed out or both with a workout like that, today I paced through it and did fine. Great to be outside too!
Staci Vinz
A1. 95-100-105-110-115
A2. Done @ 1.5 pood
B. 13:01 Rx @ 1.5 pood
C. Done
D1. Done
D2. 3 strict press @ 85# each round
30 GHD’s
A1. 85-95-105-110-115; then 85 for 15 reps.
A2, Black bell x10; then 1.5pood 4 rounds.
B. WOD with running and burps.. 13:44
C. Farmer carry with black KBs. BRUTAL!! Didn’t time it.
D. 5 T2b (lil kips) and 3 consecutive (kipping) HSPU– tried strict, but wasn’t happening after the above. Finished 7 rounds before had to call it a night.
A. 155 / 2pd
B. 13:47
A. 75-85-95-105-115. Felt good. Have to keep my elbow in better. 1.5 pood
B. 18:13. Between Jerry on Sat and today my shins are sore. Not used to running at all. Nothing fun about this workout.
A1. 75, 85, 95, 100, 105 (broke up into 3 reps and 2 reps) – w/ Carrie – we decided we better go heavier than last week or get grief from Matt…
A2. 1.5 pood – I may finally be getting the hang of swings…
B. 15:59 – Was nervous about the run after last Wed’s run fail during the WOD, but it felt good today. Felt like I was in a pretty good groove after round 2. 🙂
A1.) 145, 155, 165, 165, 175
A2.) 2-pood x4, then “orangie” x1
B.) 11:?? – I didn’t get lapped by Michael! That’s a success any day of the week. 🙂
A1. 135,135,135,135,145
A2. 2 pood
B. 12:00
A1. 85-95-105-115-120
A2. Done 1.5p
B. 11:34…used blue, yellow, yellow, black, black. Green wasn’t going to happen.
C. Done
D1. Done
D2. Did banded because my shoulder is bothering me a bit.
CGBP: 65 x 2; 75 x 2; 80 x 1
WOD: 12:49, Row. Felt really sluggish on the burpees today. Maybe the early workout time?
Cgbp 85 90 95 105 110
Kb 1 pd
WOD did 10 rounds because I saw Staci s
Notebook and read it wrong. Oops.
200 m row
10 kb snatch
A1. 65, 75, 80, 85, 90 – last week I couldn’t get 5 reps @ 85, this week I got all 5 reps @ 90! I’m excited to see what my 1RM is – last time I tested it was 95.
A2. green KB
B. 14:08, running
A. 55-65-70-70-75 max out round at 55/18 reps
yellow kb, American swings
B. 14:16 did 2 rounds running the rest rowing. I don’t know what is wrong with my shins but the shin splints are back.
A. 135-155-185-185-205-215 – improvement over last week
B. 14:08 w/ running
For me, this kind of workout is a benchmark of what I’ve gained since starting CrossFit – 2 years ago I would have thrown up or passed out or both with a workout like that, today I paced through it and did fine. Great to be outside too!
A1. 95-100-105-110-115
A2. Done @ 1.5 pood
B. 13:01 Rx @ 1.5 pood
C. Done
D1. Done
D2. 3 strict press @ 85# each round
30 GHD’s
A1. 85-95-105-110-115; then 85 for 15 reps.
A2, Black bell x10; then 1.5pood 4 rounds.
B. WOD with running and burps.. 13:44
C. Farmer carry with black KBs. BRUTAL!! Didn’t time it.
D. 5 T2b (lil kips) and 3 consecutive (kipping) HSPU– tried strict, but wasn’t happening after the above. Finished 7 rounds before had to call it a night.