Tuesday 05272014



Please note:  If you performed Murph, skip Part A and work on gymnastic goats or 20 minutes of easy aerobic work.


A.  Establish a 5RM Back Squat then perform: 

3 Sets of 5 Reps of A @ -10lb-30lb w/3 Min Rest 

B.  3 Rounds AFAP 

20 x Russian Swings 

30 x Double-unders (3:1) 


A.  Establish a 5RM Back Squat then perform: 

3 Sets of 5 Reps of A @ -10lb-30lb w/3 Min Rest 

B.  3 Rounds AFAP 

10 x Power Cleans @ 135lb/95lb 

30 x Double-unders (3:1) 

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9 Responses
  1. Paul Bye

    A. 135-155-185 -> 185-185-185
    B. 5:07, @125# PC, 1 round 30x DU (which takes well over 90 jumps to get for me), then 2 rounds 90x SU.

  2. Marcy

    Pre-wod 22 inch box jump! 🙂 Everyone said to not think about it just jump, so I did! Thanks ladies!
    A. 85#; then went down to 75#. Worked on form. Thanks Bryce for the tips!
    B. 5:02 PC @50# (should have done 55#), 30 situps per round for total of 90

  3. Staci Vinz

    A. 215. Deload 3×5 @ 195
    B. 4:52 @ 95# PS
    C. 95-105-115-125-135-145-155-165
    D. Done

  4. Cally

    A. 125 5 RM, then 3×5 @ 115
    B. 4:59 @ 55#, DUs
    Fun to work out with the lady crew!

  5. Ryan N

    A. Worked up to 195 then did sets @ 175
    B. 6:11, PC @ 135, could not get my DU rhythm first round ended up doing SU, then 2nd & 3rd was able to complete DU’s.

  6. Mark Michalski

    A. 135, 225, 235
    225×5 for 3 sets

    B. 4:35 – only used 95 lbs for PC and did SU’s. Wanted to see how my left elbow / arm responded to PC’s. I liked this workout!