-Don’t forget about our awesome Kettlebell class at 5:30 pm run by RKC Certified instructor Cory Felderman, and Kids class run by CF Kids Certified Jen Grenell and Julie Carish at 6:30 pm Tuesday evening!
A. Clean & Jerk – 7 x 1 w/2-3 Min Rest
B. HSPU – 3 x ME w/2 Min Rest
C. Every 30 Seconds for 10 Minutes
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Jerk @ 225lb/150lb
-Post results under comments
Active rest/recovery
2k row-8:39
C&J 7 x 1 @ 175lb
WOD 21 @ 135lb…did an extra cycle on the last round. I should probably added more weight. Great WOD today!
12 rounds completed started at 150, dropped to 145, and finished at 135. I must disagree with Kit and awful WOD
C & j 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 140, 145
Wod: 17 rnds (4 @ 125, 13 @ 115)
C & J up to 85
WOD 65 (attempted 75 for 2 rds)
C&J: 85-105-115-125-135-145-155(10#PR)
WOD: 21 @ 125# (probably could of gone a little heavier).
3×10 BS @ 135#
20 min on elliptical (yes, I said elliptical… No judging!!)
KettleBell Class. Power swings, Farmers Carry, Push-ups.
Conditioning- Snatch and Thrusters.
KB class: KettleBell Class. Power swings, Farmers Carry, 15 Push-ups, Farmers carry- 10 sets at 1 pood.
Conditioning- Snatch and strict presses at 10kg
Oly night plus WOD! (55#)