Tuesday 07232013


-The new CFP location is close to complete which means MORE space is soon to come! With more space, comes the opportunity to begin growing our community once again. We encourage you to begin inviting friends, family and anyone else to join the fun. For those interested, call [ 507-884-9370 ] or email [ [email protected] ] to set-up a free intro session.

Congratulations Ron on your big engagement!
Congratulations Ron on your big engagement!



A.  Every 75 Secs for 10 Sets 

Even – 5 x Back Squats 

Odd – 5 x Push Presses 

B.  12 Min AMRAP 

90 x Single-unders 

14 x Burpee Box Jumps 



A.  Every 75 Secs for 10 Sets 

Even – 5 x Back Squats @ 80% 

Odd – 5 x Push Presses @ 80% 

B.  12 Min AMRAP 

30 x Double-unders 

14 x Burpee Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch 


Level 2 

A.  Every 75 Secs for 10 Sets 

5 x HSPU 

5 x T2B 

Level 1 

A.  Every 15 Secs for 16 Sets 

3 x HSPU @ 4inch/2inch Deficit 

B.  12 Min AMRAP 

30 x Double-unders 

14 x Burpee Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch 

Optional Accessory 

A.  5 Min AMRAP 

Rope Climbs 

-Post results under comments  


13 Responses
  1. Staci Vinz

    CrossFit Flathead:
    4 rds:
    200m run
    21 push-ups
    3 tire runs
    Broad jumps down
    Walking lunges back
    Farmers carry down/back with weight

  2. Carrie

    Ran a mile before the workout. Haven’t run a mile since July ’12 for the Jerry WOD. What a difference a year makes.
    A. MOFO with Angela. Back squat 165# knee was sore. Push press 105#. Like doing these lifts.
    B. 3 + attempted 5-10 DUs in the first few rounds +90 singles + 5 burpee box jumps. What a morning!

  3. Nicole Chovan

    15 min AMRAP at Crossfit Detroit Lakes
    3 front squats at 75% ( I did 135 rather than 150 because I felt a lot of pressure on my back)
    5 pull-ups
    10 push-ups
    10 rounds. Not going to lie, it totally kicked my butt. Must be all the time away from the gym and all the sun I got today.

    I also went on a 3 mile run this morning (just in case I didn’t make it to the gym).

  4. Crysta P

    A. MoFo w/ Renee
    Back Squats @ 85lb, Push Presses @ 55lb
    Liked it other than shoulder got tweaky on last set of PP so I stopped 2 reps short.

    B. Fitness – 4+40
    Burpee Box Jumps = brutal

  5. Sara Jech

    A. BS @ 145lbs, PP @ 85lbs
    B. 4+8
    All DUs and All box jumps…
    This was my first WOD that I did all DUs on!!!! I think I finally have them figured out….

  6. Alexi

    A. BS at 225 PP at 135
    B. 5 rounds with SU. I saw this wod online last night, and that annoying voice in my head said, “oh f*** that, just skip it!” And I was like, “shut up, don’t tell me what to do!” So I forced myself to show up today to do this metcon.

  7. Malachi Johnson

    A.) Solo MoFo…. Push Press @ 155. Back squat 275, 275, 295, 295, 315….Had a really hard time warming up to the weight, at 5:30 am, I wanted to complete the MoFo at (315). Wasn’t until I got that first set at 295 that I felt warmed up.
    B.) 4 plus 34. Did a wicked mix of singles and double unders! First set hit 20 DU’s, then 10, then like 2, then like 5….Like I said, it was wicked!