-The new CFP location is close to complete which means MORE space is soon to come! With more space, comes the opportunity to begin growing our community once again. We encourage you to begin inviting friends, family and anyone else to join the fun. For those interested, call [ 507-884-9370 ] or email [ [email protected] ] to set-up a free intro session.

A. EMOM – 10 Mins
Even – 3 x Back Squats
Odd – 3 x Push Presses
B. 3 Rounds AFAP
20 x Sit-ups
20 x Box Jump Overs
20 x Burpees
3 Min Rest after each Round
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
Even – 3 x Back Squats @ 85%
Odd – 3 x Push Presses @ 85%
B. 3 Rounds AFAP
20 x T2B
20 x Box Jump Overs @ 24inch/20inch
20 x Burpees
3 Min Rest after each Round
Level 2
EMOM – 10 Mins
Even – 10 x HSPU
Odd – 10 x Kettlebell Snatches @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
Level 1
EMOM – 10 Mins
Even – 10 x HSPU @ 2inch/1inch deficit
Odd – 10 x Kettlebell Snatches @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
B. 3 Rounds AFAP
20 x T2B
20 x Box Jumps Overs @ 24inch/20inch
20 x Burpees
-Post results under comments
A. Back squat @ 155, push press @ 105
B. 14:08 k2e, step ups, burpees
Couldn’t make it into CFP today so I did at the Dan Abraham center.
A. BS @ 245 PP @ 175. Todays MOFO was MOFOing hard!
B. Performance w/ K2E and 20″ box. Right around 16min. Very challenging. Almost puked on last round.
A) MoFo backsquat 145 lbs push press 105 lbs
B) performance with toes 2 bar and box jumps 15:56
105# BS
60# PP
14:28 knees to elbows
Some box jump/ some stepping
95# back squats
55# push presses – probably should have gone a bit heavier
16:19 – performance, sit ups
165lb back squat and 115lb push press. I think my squat depth is getting better
16:33 with K2E and 24inch box. My only comment is that burpees suck
A. backsquats@95; push press @60
B. 16:16
: ) Feeling pretty good about it!
Oh and I did performance but did step-ups
At the firehouse : BS – 185, no bumper plates. PP – 115. WOD – 17:20 performance Rx.
A.M. Strength work
EMOM: (Even: 5 HSPU/Odd: 10 KB snatch @ 1 pood)
3k row
A. 110# BS, 60# PP
B. 16:33 (situps, step ups & 1 round of box jumps… first time in 1 year!)
Great workout. Marcy is a great partner!!!
A. Back squat @ 205 lbs, Push press @ 115lbs.
B. 19:45….T2B for all except the last 10 (did situps for those). 24 inch box jump overs and burpees.
I enjoyed the workout…..need to work on my T2B and faster burpees.
A. BS @ 175#, PP 2 rnds @ 115, 3 @ 135
B. WOD – Performance, 17:02 Rx
A. MoFo back squat 205# push press 105#. Really like these
B. 16:11. Knees to hips. Ha ha. 20 inch box jumps 15 burpees.
A: back squat @ 115# and push press @ 95#
B: performance, 17:00, sit-ups
A. MOFO with Angela 155 BS; 105 PP… probably my two fav moves.
B. Performance Some T2b, some K2E and even some sit ups because my grip hurts, and I am soo slow at T2b… may be “that girl with gloves on” at the gym……somewhere just below 16 min I think.
Working out in the AM just makes my day sooo much better!!!
Now I’m going to run a few miles on the treadmill prepping for the Women Rock 10K.
A. MoFo…… Back squat @ 145lbs (knees not feeling too great.. didn’t want to push too hard)….. Push Press @ 85lbs
B. Performance 15:16
First two rounds of K2E, Last round T2B (well at least 20 attempts….. Probably hit 8-10 or so)
A: BS: 145, PP: 80
B: Fitness : 16:36 w/30 situps/round