Unique Community Discount Code (UCDC): WLCRYGBsbPoc
Unique Community Discount Link (UCDL): https://
Both our CODE and our LINK will do two things:
Give you a $5 discount on registration
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Regular price of the Challenge $49
Early registration price $44
Player discount applies to both regular and early registration price
Early registration August 1 – August 7
General registration August 8 – Sept 6

A. EMOM – 10 Mins
Even – 2 x Back Squats
Odd – 2 x Push Presses
B. 3 Rounds AFAP
20 x Calorie Row
15 x STO
2 Min Rest between rounds
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
Even – 2 x Back Squats @ 90%
Odd – 2 x Push Presses @ 90%
B. 3 Rounds AFAP
20 x Calorie Row
15 x STO @ 115lb/85lb
2 Min Rest between rounds
Level 2
A. 3 Sets
ME – UB Set of HSPU
10 x T2B
Level 1
A. 3 Sets
ME – UB Set of weighted HSPU
10 x T2B
B. 3 Rounds AFAP
20 x Calorie Row
15 x STO @ 135lb/95lb
2 Min Rest between rounds
-Post results under comments
A. MoFo back squats 205#. Push press 115×3 125×3
B. 10:29 75#. I have troubles picking the weight. Was able to work faster with the lighter weight.
115# back squat
60# push press
WOD 12:49
55# STO
Not feeling good today… The 400M run wore me out in the warm up.
70# back squat
65# push press
2000M in 11:40 (did a cool down row instead of B
At the firehouse,
A : 205# BS, 135# PP
B : Performance – 12:30 Rx
A. Back Squat 135-155-155-175-195
Push Press 115-115-125-125-125
B. 10:45 Rx – Calorie rows and push press in one workout – I think this one was designed for me 🙂
A. Back Squat @ 155, 165, 170, 175, 175…. My last tested 1RM was 185, so I would say I’ve improved…. C’mon 200!!!!!!!!!
B. Push Press @ 105 x 4, 95 x 1 — Had to drop down 10 1bs on my last round, kept wanting to go into a Push Jerk
Performance Rx
15 STO @ 85lbs was tough!!!!!!!!!!!! Arms are definitely feeling it today!
For some reason, I thought this was going to be an easy-ish workout. I was wrong in a good way.
A: 155# BS, 95# PP
B: 1-1/2 rounds @65#, 1-1/2 @ 45#
A. Backsquats… 1@85 2@95 rest @100
Pushpress… 1@55, 2@60, rest@65
B. 14:32 …. dang, it was HARD! (I kept wanting to rest 1 minute between the rowing & lift portion, then one minute between rounds) As it was I had to rest abut 30 secs before I started the lift part til my heart rate slowed down. First round I did 55#, then went down to 45# for the last 2.
I sure felt my age tonight… : (
Kate….what a great partner you were!!! And you did awesome!!! Great job!!!
A. ME HSPU (7-8-8)
10 x T2B
B. 9:53 Rx Sport (with a rower malfunction that cost me 15-20 secs!!!)
A. Back squats at 105, pp at 65-75
B. 11:50 with 55# pp
Volleyball game -we won!
Oly class.
Snatch felt better. Tng felt better when i hinged at the hip. Jeremy had me do the hook grip with c and j and im not gonna lie i tried to have a positive attitude but in my head i was being a whiny brat about it. My grip felt weak and i hated it but i know its supposed to be really awesome so i will keep trying.
Gymnastics at jets.
A. Back Squat – 225, Push Press – 115.
B. 10:31 @ 95lbs.
Good workout….need to keep working on my Back Squat depth.
A. Back squat: started a 85#, finished at 134# – working on getting down below parallel – it’s getting there! Getting confidence that my knee is not going to give out
Push Press – 85#
B: 13.26 @ 75# – some normal pushes, some splits. TOUGH! Getting hang of the dip and drive!
I started with what was supposed to be snatches 5×1 and ended up building to a max. Hit 150, new PR 🙂
Clean and Jerks tried for a max, got up to 160.
Then 3 rounds of: 50 Russian Swings at 1 pood, 20 wall balls at 14lbs. 5:54 (I actually enjoyed this more than I thought) 🙂