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A. 4 Sets NFT
20 x Stationary Lunges (Weighted optional)
45 Sec Rest
10 x Supinated Ring Rows
45 Sec Rest
B. 3 x 3 Min Rounds
200M Run followed by…
10 x Squats
10 x Ball Slams
3 Min Rest
A1. Pause Back Squats – 5 x 5
A2. Strict Pull-ups – 5 x 5
Superset the Strict Pull-ups with every set of Back Squats. Rest 2-3 minutes between each set of Back Squats.
B. 3 Rounds AFAP
20 x Front Rack Lunges
10 x Power Cleans
@ 115lb/85lb
200M Run
3 Min Rest
18 Min Cap
A. Push Press – 5 x 3 w/3 Min Rest
B. Every 90 Secs for 10 Sets
5 x Squat Clean Thrusters @ 155lb/105lb
10 x Heavy Russian Swings @ 100lb/70lb
Games Track 2014
A. Dip/Pull-up Complex
B. EMOM – 10 Mins
100M Sprint
C1. Reverse Hyper – 3 x 15
C2. GHD – Sit-up – 3 x 15
-Post results under comments
A. 135# BS and strict pull-ups with a red band
B. 14:58-HOLY LEGS! Loved it!
BS 105 x 1 set then 110 x4. Good workout. Blue/red bands for pullups.
Fitness, 20 # wallball 9+ 9 (hurt my shoulder yesterday?)
A Done at 105. Shoulder is still giving me some trouble during these.
B. Done. Did 5 rounds at 105 then dropped to 85 cause I was having a hard time keeping up.
oops. posted too early 🙂
B. Russian swings with 1.5 pood. I had 2 pood out also just in case, but I was struggling with 1.5 towards the end so I just stuck with that one.. Around round 8 I ended up being 30 seconds behind. This one was a tough one for me. Thrusters are one of my weaknesses and also focusing on squatting rather than just power cleaning things.
A. Done went well.
B. Done. I don’t know if we were supposed to time how long each set took us, but I did because I was curious 16/16/15/16/14/15/15/15/14/14sec
C. Done
A: 155×2, 165×2, 170
B: 16:30, lunges were slow
*rowed 200m instead if running. Don’t have distances set at work.
Performance @ the firehouse:
A : Done @ 185 w/5sec pause at bottom
B : 16:50 Rx
A. Back squat 85# hip feeling better getting down lower. Blue band pull ups. Liked working on strict pull-ups
B. 14:18. 55# wasn’t sure how I was going to feel. My knees hurt worse than my hips. Liked the workout!
A. 5×5 Pause BS@65#; Pull-ups: 2 sets of 5 w/wide green band; 3 sets with skinny green & skinny red bands. Last set did 10 (max effort)
B. 1st set: 10 lunges@45#, 10 lunges@35#, 10 power cleans @35#, 200 meter run
2nd set: 20 lunges@40#, 10 power cleans @40#; 200 m. run. 3rd set: 20 lunges@35#; 10 power cleans @35#; 200 m. run
I miss my guy 🙁
5 weeks….is a long time
Oh I forgot to post my time…it was 16:21
A. BS: worked up to 175#
B. 12:41 Rx
50 x 20# weighted GHD’s
A. 135, 135, 140, 145, 145
B . 14:20 Rx…. 85lb was tough for the lunges, but I’m glad I did it……
A.. Back squats – worked up to 95#, blue band pull ups
B. 15:28, started with 65#, dropped to 55# for the last set. Legs were giving out.
A. 135#
B. 14:31 @ 95#
A. Worked up to 135.. I think, maybe more Holly??. Double red skinny for strict pullups.
B. 14:27 or something RX… YOWZA.. easier for me to get lower with the left foot out in front.
Performance: still working on form technique, not as concerned about weight
A1 @ 65#
A2 with green and blue band
B.14:50 @ 35#
A1. 105# first set, then 115# for the rest
A2. 4 sets with thin green band, last set with red/green
B. 15:20 55# …..those lunges SUCKED. Thanks for the mobility after, Julie!
3pause Bs 3×145 or 155 not sure. Was making up for yesterday since I didn’t do them then.
Push press at 85. These were light but I practiced going slow and controlled.
Sport wod with 105 and 70lb kettle bell. This was hard but manageable. It’s kind of an awkward movement for touch and go.
Oly-light weights but good form.
Pull up dip complex
Ab complex
Was looking forward to sprints all day but then I just ran out of fuel….so I sprinted thru my chipotle burrito bowl instead.
1.) 185#, love the pause strength stuff.
2.) 14:34, done at 95# due to the tightness in the quads and possibly some sand stuck in some places.