CFP Boot Camp
Our next boot camp starts September 30th and meets M/W/F at 7pm-8pm. For more details and to register follow this link. Only 6 spots left!

A. 4 Sets
5 x Pause KB Front Squats (Dbl Rack)
45 Sec Rest
5 x Power Swings
45 Sec Rest
B. 3 Min AMRAP
10 x Sit-ups
10 x Russian Swings
10 x Squats
4 Cycles Total
1 Min Rest after each round
A1. Pause Back Squats – 5 x 2
A2. Power Swings – 5 x 5
B. 3 Min AMRAP
3 x Power Cleans @ 135lb/95lb
6 x Push-ups
9 x Squats
4 Cycles Total
1 Min Rest after each round
A. Every 15 Secs for 16 Sets
3 x Thrusters @ 135lb/95lb
B. 3 Min AMRAP
3 x Power Cleans @ 185lb/125lb
6 x Push-ups
9 x Squats
4 Cycles Total
1 Min Rest after each round
Games Track 2014
Follow this link
-Post results under comments
Worked on 2 rep snatch in prep for the Granite Games. Felt rushed because I was trying to switch out plates every 30 seconds, so I didn’t get as far as I would have liked. Dropped down to 85 and focused on squatting and worked my way up to 160! 🙂
Did some work on the airdyne and some mobility and called it a day!
A1: @185
A2: @2pood
B: 4+9/4/3+11/3+6
A1: 85-105-125-135-135
A2: 1.5 pood
B: 4/4/4/4=16
A1. 85, 85, 105, 105, 105
A2. 1 pood
B. 4/3+4/3+3/3+4, cleans at 65#
I like the variety of WODs like this, including the length with small breaks.
A. Skipped (shoulder bugging me, so worked on mobility).
B. 5/4+2/4+1/4+1
A: 85, 105, 105,105,105
A2: 1.5 pood
B: 4, 4, 3 + 9, 3 + 4
Another good workout!
A. Back squats: 125, 145, 145, 155, 160
Power swings: 1.5 pood
B. 5, 5+12, 5+11, 5+10. At 95#
Pushups feel good! 🙂
A1. @225
A2. @ 2 pood
B. 6 – 5+3 – 4+6 – 4+9
A1. 85#, 85#, 95#, 95#, 105#
A2. Blue bell (not sure weight, but it was heavy 🙂
Wod: 4+3; 4+3; 3+3; 3+3
Thinking I’ll sleep good tonight!
A1. 1×135, 4×185
A2. 2 pd
B. 4+1/4+6/5/4+1
A1. 105, 125, 135, 135, 135
A2. 1.5 pood
B. 3+6/3+1/3+1/3+2 85#
A. JECH?? I Wasnt paying attention. I think I got up to 170 x 2, then 180 bailed after 1.
A1. 1.5 pood
B. 4+8, 4+8, 4, 4+1. RX with the exception of 3rd round— I was gassed and wormed several push ups. Form could have been better at 85#??
95 thrusters…tried to keep moving 3s turned to 2s and 1s
B. felt ok. 4/3+9/3+4/3+15. Could have pushed harder but my pace was probably good. Tried to breathe steadily.
A: 155#
B: 75#
2 rounds – lost time changing weights
2 rounds + 9
2 rounds + 9
2 rounds + 9
A. Killed it with Jenn Frank!!!!!!!
I think we ended with 175…. I was too busy dancing to all the 60s music LOL
Power Swings done with 2 pood
B. Performance RX (with the exception of knee push ups)
5, 5, 4+8, 4+6…. I think*
A1. Pause Back Squats – 5 x 2 @ 205 (could have gone heavier, but easing back into it)
A2. Power Swings – 5 x 5 @ 1.5 pood
3 x Power Cleans @ 135lb
6 x Push-ups
9 x Squats
I’m out of shape. This nearly killed me!
Forgot my rounds on the B portion of Performance: